@Akio Morita: I don't let them know I have a wife, actually they don't even see the ring, and I look them in the eye when speaking. It kinda demoralizes them. I get a giggle and they get to feel superior. I try to 'wince' my thingy when they are touching those spots and give them that 'knowing' look. Whatevs. they…
In Omaha; we just got two of the back scatter machines. That is great because we only have two concourses. Our TSA is very 'Barney Fife' about this kind of shit. The last thing you want is for them to reach for their pocket (that's where they keep the single bullet they are allowed to have). I have lost my multi tool…
I will be getting this not on day one, but week 2. I have been waiting for a great touchscreen phone/pmp/camera. I have a 16GB Zune HD and only game on Xbox360. I love last FM and some other features that will be updated and/or ported. Bluetooth in the pmp. Had it on iTouch, need it on Zune. My wifle may even let me…
I think I have to sign up with a legit carrier, now. Want, Need. I am wondering if I could get FireFox instead of IE or if it will goto IE9 when it comes out of beta. Still Like these little beasties a lot. going to drop Boost prepay
@*Grey*Bastard 420: Not only Hitchhiker's guide, but Lewis Carroll, who was freakishly smart, had an affinity for 42:
longish post in reply
@WizardsPajamas: Nope
This is not the main reason I don't eat meat or cheese anymore, but I like the food I make. I don't think about Mad Cow or Swine flu. Matt, as always your articles are nicely fact based and not sensationalist. I will continue to read your article and give you my clicks.
I totally see the benefits of these, but of course I think they look silly. They have the speed and maneuverability to do almost any task, except stairs. I think they can cover the most area in the shortest time and that is the goal of patrolling. The LED and sirens are superficial, but the form/factor of these is…
#bieberfever Making the internets more tangled.
My wife shall be pleased. All this on the tails of a great opening weekend. Talk about timing. I am no longer on FB nor do I want to go back, but this is great for privacy concerned folks who think it is ok to post all the drunk photos and put their lives in public or semi public view. go team. win for Zuck
I love the New smell of gadgets... the opening of the box and carefuly setting everything out side by side to admire and also verify contents. That is my favorite part of the ritual. getting the new toy is fun, but for instance, from Craigslist it has already been 'smelled out' and it loses some of that novelty.…
redacted due to pinkness. Do not like
'Pig and Chuck Anderson and Sam Spratt. that is my list. In that order; Final Answer
Joel... thanks for coming out like that. It takes a lot to confront yourself and to allow others access to your most intimate thoughts. In PDX (which is where I believe you are), a hipster is generally accepted as the norm. It is a bike loving, beer loving, coffee loving great town. the weather may depress some folks,…
@infernoterrorize: Cheating is Cheating is Cheating. You got caught. I would love to see Infinity Ward do the same thing on MW2 or brick system when Black ops comes out. Similar to the 'update' when MW2 was released. Brick the cheaters/boosters and free up space for legitimate gaming to commence. Quit cheating and…
regarless of other posts, I like it. I have always enjoyed Pine and glass or Steel. It looks quite simple. someone must have reengineered the pallets to have the planks so close together, but it looks simple and complex at the same time. I would make tables for my home very similar if the glass was not too expensive.…
@Donuthead: I can see where they are coming from and also your stance. i se it like such:
@Donuthead: The technology that we have today enables everyone to eat what they wish. Many of the faux meats I eat are nutritionally sound and at least 30% healthier, ie: no cholesterol, less fat, more protein per serving, etc. As the population increases land will become more scarce and having meat will be a luxury…