
It's a description.

The Warriors is possibly the most-overrated of his films.

Walter Hill - overrated would-be cool existential director. This film, 48 Hours and Streets of Fire are all his career anyone actually needs to watch.


An interesting point that gets missed is that Darwin Josten was channeling Charles Bronson in Once Upon a Time in the West - "something about death" and "only at the point of dyin'" (another of Wilson's lines) are direct quotes from OUaTitW, and he's playing basically the same laconic loner.

Just the injury-to-the-groin and pee jokes in the trailer told me everything i needed to know.

Oh, you are so clever, defending your utterly pompous and valueless judgement.

Do you even have good taste in your mouth? Because you sure don't have it anywhere else.

The good ones.


It's worth a little googling around to see if you can find "Hobbes & Bacon" - four note-perfect comics about twenty-some years after "Calvin & Hobbes" - Calvin and Susy Durkins have married, and they have a seven-year-old daughter nicknamed "Bacon"

Not by forty years.

Disney's cartoon "Jungle Book" was not that great; not sure what i expect from this one.