
How would have things played out if Savage picked himself instead?


Anyone else thinking about a young Max Bialystock played by Joaquin?

I based my team on the bios.

Dan F, Jenn, Joaquin, Shirin

I think there was some sort of psyche eval in the process.

Go get 'em :)


If the rest of the tribe was as smart as Rocker my pick-2 team would have had a chance….

I take the last twinee Nadia

Nice nickname!

Got my 4…
Dale, Kelley, Missy, Val (edited for A-Z)

I choose Val!

Judge, this league makes the game even more interesting, thanks for all of the hard work!

As goat, Kass is great. I wonder if there will be an all goat season of survivor, or better yet a Villains vs Villains.

Yeah it isn't good pissing off half of your fans in a single statement

I'd like to join the Pick 4 for this season, going with a 3-brains 1-brawn combo…