Bassy Kims of Yesteryear

Nope. Never happened.

Thanks! Great piece.

Tell me this would not have been 1000% better, had it been made with Alison Brie and Gillian Jacobs as the leads.

Plus, Garret Dillahunt played the best terminator(s!) ever.

The Sarah Connor Chronicles really reworked the Terminator franchise, including the use of alt timelines. The Sarah Connor Chronicles did it smart. The Sarah Connor Chronicles did it right. And so, of course, The Sarah Connor Chronicles did not gain a mainstream audience, and did not survive.

I knew John Entwistle was into Star Wars. I could tell by the way he played.

No no, that was the Impala SS.

Judging by the photo, these guys clearly need to change their surname to Ramone.

Sparks' earliest released work, with Harley Feinstein as drummer, was all over the place, rhythm-wise (by design, that is). Harley did some prodigious drumming on tunes like Slowboat and Moon Over Kentucky. The songs on the first two albums ranged from R&R to indescribabilities such as Fa La, Big Bands, and Beaver

As a longtime Sparks fan, I like some of this, but am disappointed overall. I've never appreciated Sparks' turn from rock and roll to dance music, and indeed, view 79-81, and 86-97 as "lost years"… years lost to their disco/dance sound.

No no. I don't believe that to be true now, I just flashed on the thought in the moment before we saw the face of the Orbiting Miller, with his stick calendar.

Anyone else think for a moment, when we saw the Orbiting Miller, that the entirety of the show was the hallucination of a space-happy astronaut?

Will the first single will be entitled, Roundup In The Free World, or Heart of Glyphosate?

Geekier than that, I though her second question was gonna be whether his mom founded Radio Shack…

The proof is here: Meadow is filled with nothing but very, very deep emotions about
parking her car. But possibly a minute later, her head will be filled with emotions she could never even imagine.

Ah, but next week, the show apparently gets a variant of Evil Twin Phil.

At this point, I'd settle for a sidebar in which Phil is discovered fucking the cow, and the others put him on trial for animal abuse.

For a moment, I actually thought that Phil was going to shoot Todd in the wilderness.


"That's what she said! When she was still alive…"