Bassem B.

And yet, gamers were pissed off when L4D2 released "so soon" after L4D1, with calls to boycott, etc.

If Double Fine ever go out of business making games, they can always become a comedy group. Their videos are always brilliant. The Amnesia Fortnight 2012 video has to be my favourite.

I love the degrading language. Drink, drinkeee to wall.

You definitely weren't the only one.

Thanks for the laugh!

That sounded exactly like the musical piece :D

Sansa as a brunette... surprisingly hot.

Oddly enough, the HTC logo area is a capacitive button, but it is disabled by default.

Haha, it works! XD Thanks for making me laugh!

Now playing

I totally said that out loud. Sounds cool. Reminds me of this

Freaking eww. Feet disgust me to begin with, but bunions are especially repulsive.

Holy crap.

I'd just like to take this chance to mention once again what how idiotic Eric Limer looks in this photo. I thought I was done with saying this, but every time I am faced with his imbecilic, slack jawed, dumbfounded face I'm compelled to write about it again.

People are so eager to be smug douchebags in correcting you that they fail to see the very obvious joke you're making.

I'm not sure, but it seems to be a riff on either gangster bling, or the rings that mob bosses wear and subordinates must lean in and kiss.

Did they really do that gesture and glint in the original Nintendo Direct video? If so, that's pretty funny.

That is really cool. :D Glad you enjoyed it.

Is it weird that I would watch them dubbed in Japanese, with English subtitles?

Wow, I actually like this! If it could be done in this style, and not more big-eyed and crazy-haired, I could get behind it.
