Bassem B.

Haha same here. Peculiar, but at least it is pretty innocuous compared to some of the weird shit you find online. Ice chewing community. Oh well why not.

Happy to hear that! You probably noticed by now, thanks to Steam's related links, that the Indiana Jones adventure games are also on there, as well as LOOM and a remastered Monkey Island.

The Dig is on Steam if you really gotta replay it :D

It sounds so funny when written like this. XD

Where's this from?

Just a couple of days ago I left a comment on another post about wanting a Claptrap figurine for my desk... Look at this thing! I love Claptrap.

Yeah, I couldn't get online the first day but at least I got a head start in single player without a hitch, and everything was running fine by the 2nd day.

Yeah I like Chet's understated... statement. he doesn't even say "great" he simply says "we're doing okay." :3 Muhaha.

Too obvious. Try a more subtle flamebait next time.

You're thinking of handegg.

All the above. Except, Valve, you know, just release HL3 already. I mean, c'mon.

I just got it too :)

I can't get used to how stupid the Gunzerker looks with those ridiculous legs of his. Why would they make such an idiotic design?

Nice work :)

A million times as many people as you think.

It's clearly so other players can see your unique look! What? It's single player only? Well blah.

I really love that panorama of Aperture Science in black and white with the giant flasks. A print of that would be really nice.

Portal 2

I'm sorry for your misfortune, but your comment was so funny. XD

I never actually modded, but I made many a level for Duke Nukem 3D with Build. I used to spend hours upon hours tweaking things to perfection. I made a whole 5-level chapter, with dozens of secret areas in each level... even wrote a full guide for the whole thing. It was so much fun to do this stuff. Sector effectors