That's cool. :D Take a pic of the portal gun and pipboy?
That's cool. :D Take a pic of the portal gun and pipboy?
Nice one.
It looks like a toy in that screenshot. Now I want a tiny Claptrap figurine for my desk.
Oh man, I would love that. With the dances and the soundbites...
Yeah, now that I'm starting to go underground I'm glad it looks a bit better.
Rename fish? What?
Did it really look that outdated to you? I think it's looking amazing. The level of detail in the set design is higher than a lot of modern games. I would say it's mostly the character models that are outdated; everything else looks pretty great, from level geometry to lighting.
I like it, but I wish it made more of a difference from normal jumping.
"Hands behind your head! DO IT NOW!"
I know right? I wish it would come on Steam. Slim chance of that happening, with Vivendi and Sierra gone.
My friend and I have recently been lamenting the lack of modern games that are anything like SWAT 4. If this is it, I'll gladly get it.
Aww, it looks so sad! Those big eyes :c
Go Unity! I've only dabbled with the possibility of beginning to tinker with the chance to try Unity for developing games, but I've seen what it can do and this is good news.
Haha I came here to say the same thing. I can almost see a big caption under the photo, HATERS GON' HATE.
Same here.
This reminds me of a (most probably false*) well known anecdote about the French author Victor Hugo. Wanting to inquire with his publisher on the sales of the then-newly released Les Misérables, he sent a telegram that read "?" His publisher replied "!"
Short legs will do that.