Bassem B.

Yeah no kidding. I filter my screenshots after every gaming session and upload only those that show something interesting and different.

I'll be honest, every type I type the word I have to correct myself and erase that "n".

Too true. Games like Minecraft, DayZ and Firefall are a bresh of fresh air when it comes to multiplayer.

Indeed. Saints Row 3 is a hell of a lot of fun in co-op, and that's just two people in a medium size area, so I can imagine how fun this mod must be.

There are people who pronounce it "thighland" ?

On behalf on sensible PC gamers, I'd just like to say that some of us can let things go. XD Long live choice!

I agree. I'm exclusively a PC gamer but sheesh, these guys won't let go. Just as I have my reasons for gaming on PC, other people have reasons for gaming on consoles.

The damage made by sitting is not cancelled or undone by exercising.

You'd be surprised. I read a story right here on Kotaku about a man in China that was found in a net cafe, sitting dead after hours and hours of computer use. The assumed theory was that he got a blood clot from immobility.

Ricochet is a video game developed by Isaac Kleiner and Eli Vance in their younger days, and played by Alyx and her friends as she grew up.

I'm holding out for the standalone, and in the meantime I get my fix on reading stories and watching videos.

Nicely done!

That sounds like my kind of thing. Have you played Stalker? I am discovering it just now, it is awesome.

Don't forget that DayZ is getting a standalone version, and it is widely assumed that it will be in the Arma 3 engine, so you're gonna need an EXTRA powerful PC.

The arma3 community alpha, will it be open? Do you know how I can sign up?

I keep seeing "Kinja" being mentioned. Who or what is Kinja? Is it the name of this new and annoying comment system?

Yeah that O face is a classic, I remember it well from the film.

Yeah, I think this is more the sort of thing you plan ahead, like you know you have a plane ride of about ten hours, so you pack the dualshock.

I've seen all the arma3 videos. It's just that Bohemia have lost my trust as far as performance, stability and user friendliness are concerned. They've released game after game that were broken, buggy, clunky clusterfucks. I really hope arma3 will be the big improvement that I thought arma2 and arma1 would be.

I dunno, a lot of people on Kotaku are telling me it can be tweaked to work, so there is hope.