Bassem B.

Nah, just playing along with the two commentators before me. I haven't even played the game =D it's waiting in my Steam library.

Really good point.

Damn. That face will haunt my dreams tonight.

Amnesia was supposed to be scary?

I like how in touch the South Korean govt is with gaming and how they realise it is a legitimate cultural and economic force.


They are British, so I am assuming they have.

You may wanna try Fallen Earth (free to play.) Not my cup of tea but lots of people like it.

Now playing

It was one of the ideas shown in their DICE presentation, and many ideas from that video have recently been added to the game, so there is hope yet.

It's very easy to focus on two screens on the DS because they are both tiny and stuck together. Not the same when looking and down and up again from your Wii U controller to your TV.


Well at least you capitalised and ended with a fullstop.

I... I can't. It's too much, Japan. I'm just gonna sit down for a while. I need to catch my breath here.

Turn-based? :( Too bad. I guess I'll watch my friends play it.

That's Conan the Barbarian in the article image, so I guess the OP is asking about that specifically.

Here's the thing though. Darth Vader - and to a lesser extent, Boba Fett - work as faceless characters because they are evil. Vader's mask makes him all the more intimidating and cold. For a protagonist, a hero character, you want a face that the audience can identify with.

I know the PS3 at least has a mouse and keyboard. But it's up to individual games to support them. Most don't.

Yeah, swing from one extreme to the other. Real smart.

So what? They also have articles featuring scantily clad cosplay models, Asian idols, sexy toy figurines... they cater to "both sides" really. They don't care, as long as it gets pageviews. Once I realised that, it became a simple matter of reading what posts I like, and ignoring the rest.

I think I will :) I've heard great things about Stephenson as an author, and I guess this video sold me on him as a cool guy as well!