Bassem B.

Aren't you a sharp one.

Yeah... this comic explains it pretty well []

I totally noticed that when Neal said it XD it also doubles as a pun about blacksmithing.

LOL @ the video's title.

Hehe that made me chuckle =D

What's creepy about his beard? He looks downright cuddly.

Same here. Heard great things, and he seems like a great guy indeed, but I couldn't last into Anathem.

I gave Anathem a try. Didn't last more than a chapter. Are his other books better or do they all sound like you are supposed to already know all about the concepts and terms used inside?

Password length matters a lot too, so Kotaku1 is a bit short. Kotakutaku1 is exponentially harder to crack.

What's this?? was it never released? it looks interesting.

I'm straight, but I knew you'd reply with that. And a suit is not overly sexified, my example is.

Just saw that. Hilarious =D

I found this bit particularly funny =D

Nice one. =D

Tell me about it. I have over 100 games in my Steam library and I have no idea when/if I will play them. Hoarding, you said it.

Big deal.

Even if that were true, there's 340 trillion trillion trillion.

More like, Ass-ass nuns. BOOSH

Love how the equal opportunity women freak anytime women are actually treated the same as men would be in the same situation.

I got all the Dark Force / Jedi Knight games in a Steam bundle sale last holiday, it was a catch. Also Republic Commando and Battlefront II.