Pretty sure avoiding a Trump presidency would be “better” across the board if we can possibly avoid it, no matter who throws a tantrum.
Pretty sure avoiding a Trump presidency would be “better” across the board if we can possibly avoid it, no matter who throws a tantrum.
It’s not just false testimony, though. They intentionally and maliciously framed these women. It was premeditated and planned.
Do you have a link? I would fucking LOVE to be able to reference him saying so at every opportunity to all the “Christians” I know that voted for Trump.
You nailed it. The case for two different time periods is growing stronger by the week.
Lots of folks are saying you should just dump him, but if you’ve been with the dude for 2 and a half years and this is the first instance of racism you’ve witnessed coming from him, I’d certainly at least talk to him first. People fuck up. Sometimes people fuck up badly (if every woman whose boyfriend has ever used a…
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
In many parts of the country there are not, in fact, more authentic Mexican restaurants available. Especially not ones where you can grab a reasonably cheap and filling burrito and be on your way in 5 minutes flat.
So I guess I can’t edit my original post for some reason? Ugh, I wanted to deftly hide my shame over completely missing the tag and contemplating that your comment might be serious. This election has fucked with my head so much that it’s affecting my ability to spot a dumb joke on Jezebel without checking the damn…
I think e should too!
Yes. It is a surname. That’s the joke. The outrage is also part of the joke. No one is legitimately asking why it isn’t called the woman booker prize. But you knew that, right? Your outrage about Bobby’s fake outrage was also fake? I think. Fuck. I just don’t know anymore.
Damn. I generally reserve dismissing human beings as trash for rapists and abusers and genocidal dictators and the Koch brothers and such, but apparently fat-armed introverted women you don’t find funny are enough to spark that level of rage and offense where you’re concerned.
I’m taking election week off work. I’m not going anywhere, but I found a bunch of deals on spa days and hot stone massage and acupuncture and shit on groupon. I’m buying a bag of weed and taking myself out for breakfast every damn day. After that Tuesday, the whole week (assuming shit doesn’t go very sideways very…
Damn it, now you’ve got me feeling twinges of compassion for him too.
Nah, I think he’ll keep up the narrative that he really wanted to win. Because otherwise that’ll mean he was conning everyone who supported him the whole time, and that he knowingly handed the presidency to not just a democrat but a Clinton. That would lose him a LOT of support, and what little credibility he has with…
Who the fuck wants to hug and kiss someone else’s kids anyway?
It seems like maybe she was creating a narrative that would allow her to convince herself she is not a despicable waste of space and is instead a person of reasonable morals.
I may be alone in this, but I didn’t find that statement slut-shaming at all. While I am personally a fan of Wonder Woman, I do think the “you can be strong and powerful and achieve anything as you consistently look young and super hot and conventionally gorgeous while you’re doing it” is very much a thing, and one…
Well, if they’re women we do.
He repeatedly raped his own child. That, by definition, absolutely makes him a monster, not just a regular chap who made a bad choice. And if I hear one more “he is paying in so many ways” I will fucking lose it. He is a complete piece of shit, he has not come anywhere close to “paying” for anything, and the rape…