
Because they have pretty invasive ads that block the content and thats just annoying. Although I just switch to another tab when that happens, no need to have an ad blocker that takes up resources when I can just do it myself haha

Why: It's the best value you can get for the money. If you want the best hardware you can buy, the best customer support you can get, and the best OS support for the hardware, look no further. I suggest buying direct from Google to get the best experience, but I've had mine for almost a year now and I would buy it

Well considering that Buffalo averages 94.7 inches of snow a year and Anchorage averages 74.5 inches of snow a year....I'd say Buffalo knows what snow is. But hey, don't let facts get in the way of pride.

except that this is Buffalo which probably gets more snow than Anchorage. Nothing out of the ordinary here. Welcome to upstate New York, Gawker!

Gaming the waze system is probably on the order of 730x faster then going through your local organizations to install a speed bumb.

This is actually important because it ties into something I've mentioned before, something that a lot of dating coaches and self-help columns won't tell you: at its core, dating is a numbers game. No matter whether you're Emma Stone, Idris Elba, Kerry Washington, or Charming Tater, you are inevitably going to have

The right answer is zero. These peasants need to be put in their place, amiright?

Shouldn't the Eagles' PR staff have some sort of policy against their players following other teams?

Now, those guys were wimps.

Can someone please explain to me how creationists claim there are no fossils to prove evolution? Either I'm totally missing something, or these fucking people have never opened a book in their life (except for one, obviously).

So let me get this straight. These people don't believe in evolution because it doesn't work like it does on the Pokemon cartoon?

I did once see a workhorse evolved into a jackass.

Not sure if exhume is the word you meant, but violence is a pretty shitty reaction to someone's aloofness.

It's just not fair, how you white people suffer.

Until I hear from an actual doctor that this is a thing, there's no way I'm buying it.

I'm a barista in the Midwest. One of my coworkers started at Starbucks before coming to our shop; and had me in tears after he told me about a rednecky gentleman who came in to order one night. I guess this guy strode in and jovially, loudly asked him, "Hey man! Y'all got them, uh, caramel machetes here?!"

I like my gratuity grilled until it's tender. Please remember that for next time.

The beer battered mystery shopper may be related to an acquaintance of mine, who would not eat beer battered anything when she was pregnant. "Guys, I CAN'T have any beer, because the baby will get fetal alcohol syndrome"

This needs to be a poster. A really BIG poster. Posted in every schoolroom in the United States.