That's a lot of balls.
That's a lot of balls.
That's a lot of balls.
That's a lot of balls.
I love my Swiftech H220, and the H220-X looks awesome. Kind of disappointing to see the corsair AIO cooler beating it so hard, because the Swiftech is without a doubt the better liquid cooled option.
I get that roads are supposed to be crowned to help water drain off, but I don't see why every piece of commercial real estate has to be at least three feet in elevation higher than the street you just turned off of.
Nice to see Lifehacker discussing the problem of inaccurate reporting on science. Just thought I'd point out that PLoS is indeed a publisher, they're just entirely open access (and nonprofit).
Considering I've read hundreds of papers that showed statistically significant results and then used "suggests" or other hand-wavy terms in their discussion, you'll understand if I don't believe you.
"Suggests" doesn't mean there wasn't statistical significance. It means that a statistical difference between groups in a study like this doesn't necessarily say something absolute about the real world. I haven't actually looked through the study either, but I'd bet the difference between groups is significant,…
I'm not sure their experiment really aligns with how most people take/use notes. Generally speaking, the point of having notes is to look back days/weeks later and have an external reminder. I suspect if there was a significant break in the middle of the game where note-takers were allowed to review their notes…
Click-bait for email?
Why not go all the way? Corporate interests > everything else.
"It's pronounced 'pineapple' not 'GIF'" -Steve Wilhite
Here's the real question: How do you pronounce "gifv"?
When you're a spy...
For those who don't have Microcenter nearby, you can generally get Staples to price match their awesome CPU prices online or by phone. It may take a couple tries to get a service rep who will do it, but it's definitely possible.
To me, the true answer to this question is "wherever has the best price," but if I'm forced to pick a specific store, I think Newegg still gets my vote.
In that case, perhaps "Crapsonlawn" is the best option.
Maybe it's best to stick with Fido or Rover...
Some dogs aren't fluffy though. Now you're discriminating against non-fluffy dogs.
It sounds like you're equating your move away from being a hobbyist with a change in the overall market. I don't think your average Joe was worried about the fans in his pre-built tower 6-10 years ago either. Also, the overclocking days are far from over for many of us.