
Considering the desk isn't large enough for the case, yeah, it doesn't look pretty. In reality it's quite feasible to build a pretty high-end system these days in a much smaller form factor, and if you absolutely need the extra hardware that goes into the larger enclosure, you can probably also afford a reasonably

I suppose it's an interesting hack, but the better solution if you're moving and you don't know what to do with all your CDs that have no cases is to rip them and throw them out. There's no point in moving them when you can just keep the data and have less crap to move around.

Or, as has been discussed over on the computer cleaning article, you could put your desktop on top of your desk so it's no longer near your knees.

It all depends on what direction you're blowing the air. If you're blowing from a vent directly into the body of the laptop, you're just forcing dust further in, but if you can blow from an intake to an exhaust, or remove a blower you might be able to actually blow the dust out of the laptop.

I clean mine every month or so just because I have to open the side panel to get the dust filter out, and once I've done that I might as well give it a quick clean.

I bet they work well as weapons if you need to defend yourself too.

Do you know how annoying you are when you whine about how bad other people look? Get over it and do your job.

No, they give credit cards to people they think they can make money off of even if they tend to not be super trustworthy. If you seem slightly risky and clearly won't make them any money (i.e. you're young and will only use it for $50 of purchases a month) they don't give a damn about you.

It doesn't matter what your credit limit is if you live within your means as other posters have suggested (probably the #1 rule of credit cards). Furthermore, a high credit limit will help keep your credit utilization low.

Someone right here on Lifehacker told me I could make $4253 a week working from home...

My non-90s mousepad has a tiger on it, so maybe that's the trick.

It's kind of cool to see the variety in what people think of as "the old days." When it comes down to it, I don't think there's much from the past that's worth missing aside from nostalgia over the newness of it all. If the technologies were worth keeping, they'd still be here.

I'm guessing you've probably experienced this, but if you seem like you know what you're talking about and what the car is actually worth, you're probably not going to get an inflated asking price in the first place.

I've seen some pretty clueless reviews on newegg from people with "max tech level."

I hadn't heard very good things about MSI motherboards recently, good to hear something good about them. I've been thinking about using an MSI board for a HTPC build but was a bit hesitant based on what I'd heard.

Since the original question was about Intel vs. AMD, it's worth pointing out that an 8350 will beat an i5 (even some i7s in some cases) in heavily threaded applications. This means that certain games, video encoding, and recording while gaming favor the 8350.

PSUs are actually fairly complicated, since the "brands" aren't usually making them. To get a good idea of quality of a unit, you need to find out the OEM (here's one reference:…). Seasonic is generally one of the most reliable OEMs for mid-range PSUs, and they provide
