Basket of Deplorable Binders

As a practicing attorney, normally agree, but in this instance, go get ‘em. Full disclosure: I refuse to let my friends or family put me on facebook as a general matter and have gotten into it w/ my SIL over the issue. She overshares like a motherfucker. Also, a fair number of her posts are racist GOP garbage.

While a lot of people are sue-happy, I can see the problem in this type of case. Would you really want your boss to be able to google you and find naked toddler pictures? I certainly wouldn’t.

This is good. More families should sue each other and clog up the courts with their intra-family squabbles. Stay classy!

This study is just as pointless as the “buy vs. rent” debate. They picked the last six years to look at appreciation, which is far from average. Energy rates also vary from location to location in the same area. The most important point is that studies like these are typically just more elaborate click baits to get

could you repeat that? wasn’t listening, sorry.

Foreclosure rate is important in that higher rates lead to lower property values.

I immediately clicked all of the party parrots. The flashing is making me ill. I think this post and by extension the new iOS update just gave me epilepsy.

So with this update, Apple has effectively turned your iPhone into Geocities.

You put a lot of effort into that. Bravo.

Whose hailing this as a triumph? By Colorado law Cinemark had the right to recoup costs in a litigation case that the plantiffs lost. They didn’t want to keep having to pay for appeals and agreed to not pursue the claim if the plaintiffs agreed to no further appeals. Oh as for ‘next time we might not be so generous so

Well it WAS a bullshit lawsuit. But perfectly legal.

My last letter:

Nobody loves me. I did it all. I gave it all. I even gave blood a couple of times. But the world didn’t care... didn’t GIVE A SHIT!!!! <gets hanky> So the hell with it!!! All I need is this <holds up large whiskey bottle>. To my relatives... <sniff>.... I leave *(**** all. To my friends, you’re already

Is there any way to turn off those damn update reminders? I have an ancient iPad, and am not going to update it — but every night, I’m forced to go through a three-step process not to update because Apple doesn’t understand that no means no.

Somehow, I get the feeling that this is how Univision sees the Gawker family.

The only time I update my phone is when I accidentally hit Update instead of Not Now.

Apple has harnessed the power and chaos of Kinja!

Pro tip: When they say a new OS version is coming, be sure to set aside time the day before to run all of your updates. It’s your last chance to avoid Ashley’s fate!

Oh lord, the hypocrisy of Democrats this year reminds me why I left the party: