
who cares - violence porn - the male gaze approves!

no - she’s not.

he’s fucking someone right now - with your pic propped up and they’re BOTH laughing at you.

it would be nice if someone who’s calling herself a journalist would actually see a movie before calling it racist - even if there were production issues...but, of course, this is gawker and you’re no journalist...

you cross the line when you they say you cross the line...

it’s like an eating an eggroll or sushi - how dare you...

in this case, stripping yoga of all it’s spiritual aspects and selling it as exercise, there is an argument to be made - it’s just that the argument is being made in the typical gibberish of left wing campus speak.

she could also be saying that ISIS is a monster of our own creation - that they are fighting invaders and that attacking them is punching down -

how can anyone be shocked that a woman with a whole 10 wins under her belt was defeated?

never mind the fact that your hero is wrapped up like a present because her religion considers her a temptation to the men around her - and that without her modesty she might as well be a whore - but whatever...the left wing long ago sold it’s soul...

he didn’t really compare them to rabid dogs - not even at all - and I’m no fan...

it’s the trans paradox - your body does not determine gender until you decide that your body determines gender...

play the race card, pussy - we worked right through 9/11 - with actual bodies, not fucking yik yaks...(I’m in NYC)

no, we’re talking abt a yik yak that claimed that blah, blah, blah...Halloween costumes?

yes, it’s “facile” to admit that someone is partially right...

I’m surprised that you have enough intelligence to tie your shoes - but I’m a terrible whitey thing to...

she doesn’t need your sympathy - your an internet commentator - she’s one of the biggest and most popular stars in the universe...

it’s a very funny video - very self depreciating

you win - kill all the (rich) white people

sure, adult college students can fuck - but can they choose a halloween costume by themselves?