Basil Plant lost yet another burner

I dunno if they should have or shouldn’t have. Vicki’s life revolves around this show it seems, so I guess it was fine. But boy was that raw. Cried my eyes out and I can’t stand this person.

OK but the person who tweeted the naked cowboys with nice butts is trolling the whole thing.

I just cannot and will not accept that Jon Stewart will leave us before the 2016 election is decided, much like I refuse to accept the death of Jon Snow #notalljons

That is brilliant. I wish everyone could see this.

They were just like little sea otters.

I’m complaining only that this woman is a creepy idiot.

There’s nothing left after this - nothing.

Oddly I got incredibly sick both times i tried the e-cig. Couldn’t breathe, almost went to the hospital. I don’t know why but it was truly terrifying.

I used the patch, but I stayed on it for a year. I think the box tells you 10 weeks?
I stayed on each step until I felt like I could step down without wanting to kill someone - yeah that took a year. It’s fine. My last step 3 patch was two months ago. I gained 10 pounds. Oh well.

You can do it - the patch if used long


She looks AMAZING. Like others said, very much like Jessica Lange (and Cindy Crawford mashed together). So happy for her! I just looked at some old pics of Bruce, and it doesn’t even seem possible she was he (I’m sure I’m phrasing that incorrectly - please forgive me). Can’t wait to read the piece.

You’re in the tea party, aren’t you.


It’s the space under the seat in front of you - have you ever flown? The flight attendants specifically say this. You can’t use the space under your own seat.

I’m being sassy but I do agree, and it annoys me to think that I might pay that to bring a small dog on a flight (because I need to as much as the mother of a child, potentially), and then the person in front of me would claim a spot that is completely understood to belong to me as carry on space. I’d probably end up

They are, though.

No, I think she’s saying the same thing - the space under the seat in front of her is her space. That’s why there are metal brackets under the seats, to keep the luggage of the person behind from rolling forward.

Right so her kid doesn’t get my dog’s space.

Oddly, I’d much rather hear crying children then forfeit my carry-on storage space under the seat in front of me. I don’t feel it’s reasonable for you to expect that you can take that space from the person behind you. If there’s no room in the overhead, my bag is going under the seat in front of me - and you’re out of

Seems like he/she is giving you really good advice though relating to the health of your child. Though your idea seemed like a really good one.