Basil Plant lost yet another burner

Just let EL James direct it, clearly she knows everything (inexplicably can't stand that woman)

I need to have less contact with her to be a fully functional person. The time is coming.

Oh yes, I understand. I am apparently an awful person for because when I was 15 I didn't take my mother to the hospital after she fell. The fact that I actually wasn't there at the time does not seem to absolve me, as I eventually went home, and should have psychically known.

Thanks for this - I've never been regular, and my PMS mood swings make me feel insane - I'm in my late 40s and that's been getting worse so maybe I'm starting to go through it. I can live with hot flashes if I can just make sure my mouth has a filter and it doesn't seem like the entire world is crashing in.

I have no valentine, so I'm watching the 1978 version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers on Netflix, and eating two different kinds of girl scout cookies, and I think it's totally ok.

Aw, I hope your mom can embrace it. I'm 47 - sleeveless really is ok - sun discoloration there is just the norm for people our age. I used to live in FL though and women wear thongs into their 70s, so my thoughts on this are a little skewed.

Ugh. I posted it on mine mainly to see who would post things that would make me unfriend them. So far everyone was fine.

Yes it does - love that! Thanks!

Oh funny - SO popular in the 80s - I remember wanting to look like the woman in the Nagel prints.

Right - the paps weren't behind him, but Skynews was right next to him before the impact, during, and after. On the driver's side, keeping pace with him. I'm not willing to write this off just yet.

Poor baby crab.

But it all doesn't work on the screen, it's just fact.

I would have felt humiliated, but I went to school in NJ the mid 80s and showing up without makeup, especially thanks to your mother, would have pretty much doomed us socially. Ridiculous but true. Also depends on the age, don't know your daughter's age.

...he was making reference to something that happened American Horror Story.

Me too. How else could Bill Maher stand to fuck her?

Thank you, I was starting to like her - as a non-Fox watcher, I need this counterpoint.

Megyn Kelly! Stop making me think you're kind of awesome! I am a LIBERAL, DAMMIT.

I kind of love Ashley I for this reason.

100% truth - worth watching for the surreal