Basil Gavin

Except publicly reporting suicides very often acts as an inspiration to those who are at risk of attempting it themselves. Publishing facts and details about a suicide is known to lead to copycats, which is why you'll often see the media use euphemisms and leave out details that may have otherwise been reported had

Go look at the comments on Shea's Instagram. Those aren't Trinity fans or Charlie fans posting snake and monkey emojis, they're Valentina fans.

Yes! I listened to this last night and had the same reaction. "Guys, women are so gross when you're not around! Girls, why you all so obsessed with your weight? Black ladies, you don't take no shit from anyone!" It was such a mediocre, disappointing set to end the season on.

She called him gay, he slapped her, and yes he did turn out to be gay.

There's a reason drag is performed in dark clubs in front of drunk people.

I hate you for writing this almost as much as I hate myself for reading it.

I don't understand who this feature is written for. If you watch the show, you don't need multiple paragraphs explaining who everyone is and why they're important. If you don't watch it, why would you bother reading this at all?

I thought you were implying that there's overlap between transvestites and drag queens, my bad.

I think Phi Phi has probably grown up a lot since season 4, but she and Roxxxy actually had a huge social media flamewar either right before or after filming so I am expecting some epic battles between the two of them on the show.

Transvestites dress as women for (usually sexual) pleasure. Drag queens dress as women for their profession/art. Transgender people do not identify as the gender that the genitalia they were born with would suggest. They're three separate things.

Fun fact: he was also recently arrested on child pornography and racketeering charges!

Your very narrow personal anecdote isn't really evidence that Drag Race is "playing to a majority straight audience."

How is a show made by gay people, for gay people, airing on the gay network, "playing to a majority straight audience"? One of the most refreshing things about Drag Race is that it's utterly unconcerned with whether or not straight people enjoy it, and I'm happy to have another show to watch with that same sensibility.

"I'm not really a narcissistic monster, when I destroyed my face/nearly killed myself with plastic surgery, it was for ratings!"

Wait, so is Creed a "super easy sell" for an Oscar campaign, or "such a hard sell"? Or a super easy sell for the white actor, and such a hard sell for the black actor and director?

Except that Stallone is nominated for Supporting Actor in Creed.

I'm not sure you should underestimate how nerdy the readers of a site called "AV Club" are going to get about their year-end lists.

They get yelled at more when they're better.

It could also have been the other way around. Before coming out, I spent a ton of effort trying to make sure I didn't sound or act too gay. After coming out, I didn't have anything to hide, so that burden was lifted. That's not to say some of it isn't affectation; if you spend your entire life affecting a hetero

I preferred As I Lay Me Down at the time, but now I think Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover has held up better. At the time I think it suffered from being absolutely inescapable.