
I believe these 10 episodes are self-contained, so if it gets renewed, there’ll be a whole new cast, like an anthology series.

I’m watching it for Lucy Liu in gold lamé and shoulder pads, screw the plot.

Here’s a weird-as-fuck interview with Epstein’s bodyguard/driver from NYMag:

I think Jane Lynch could make a good Maude.

Dangerous Liaisons also stars Uma Thurman’s! Both of ‘em! She looks about the same age as her daughter does in Stranger Things 3 but actually she was two years younger... which I don’t even really know how I should feel about...

I remember an episode where Anthony and Delta Burke’s character were performing together in some talent show or something, lip-syncing to Mickey and Sylvia’s “Love is Strange,” and unbeknownst to anyone beforehand, she shows up onstage in blackface. Of course, everyone was shocked and outraged, and it was made clear

Marie Antoinette did nothing wrong.

I felt they got pissed off so many viewers figured out the Season 1 Big Reveal before it was over, so they just got together and said “Oh, you guys think you’re so smart? Well, try and figure out THIS shit! It’s so non-linear even we don’t know what’s going on!”

Yes, as long as one avoids murder/manslaughter charges.

(But yes, we see her making several hundred with the one doomed client in just ONE session.  Early 90's nyc real estate, especially that far uptown, one good night would cover the month’s rent at that rate.  Plus tips from her hostessing gig.)

As Moggett says, pneumonia and pregnancy aren’t a great mix. Also, bedbound patients are often on blood thinners to avoid emboli, which can cause heart attacks and strokes, and those meds cause pregnancy-related headaches of their own. I don’t watch the show, so I have no idea how much medical expertise Gilead has

She wasn’t in a “medically induced coma,” she was dead, and being kept alive on a ventilator.  She would indeed be at risk for bed sores (like June developed on her knees) and all sorts of other complications, but people have been kept alive in such condition for many years, it isn’t out of the realm of possibility. 

As my ICU nurse instructor mused to my class earlier this summer, “medically induced coma,” while a vivid and catchy term, is pretty much just a fancy way of saying “repeatedly and heavily sedated.” Without significant brain damage, a healthy body and brain will keep trying to wake itself up on a regular basis, hence

Ha!  And see, my vague memory was that it was definitely a black guy...  But I deleted the episode from my DVR ages back, so can’t check lol.

Face-sitting gone wrong.

A cage match with an ostrich would be significantly harder than hunting people with a gun while they have no weapons. Shit maybe just an angry peacock.

I’m a Titanic expert, having studied it for a good 25 years, and I love to answer questions about the disaster. One of the aspects of the disaster that has never been fully captured in any film, and one that I’ve studied from a human behaviorist perspective, is how calm of a disaster it was. Far from being a panicked

“a minor character” ... this is what I think made the episode so fantastic. I’ve never been so emotionally stirred by this show as this episode and it was for a character you’d assume was entirely disposable.

Note: last night I posted the link above to Ashley’s Barf Bag rundown and pointed out that the media weren’t yet giving this nefarious commission much coverage. I’m glad to see that it’s rolling out across the mainstream press now, because this is an attempt to existentially change who we are as a nation; to redefine

Thanks for covering this, Ashley. In addition to their positions on abortion and other women’s reproductive rights, this commission is seeking to alter the US State Department’s established stance for LGBTQ rights and condom distribution for HIV/AIDS prevention. They want to redefine HUMAN RIGHTS to something they