
Maybe the Hulu algorithm was created by some elderly homophobe who thinks that gays are all pedophiles.

And Please Like Me is really, really good. It can be a little hard to watch at times, but it’s great.

Oh absolutely. I don’t know if you’ve watched the show on Netflix alias grace but it’s set further back in history but it has a heartbreaking scene about just this kind of thing. 

I became curious, so I searched online for other examples. There is a Boston based rock band named Isis that lost fans and received threats. And I found a U.K. lingerie line, but no mention of whether they have changed their name or not. Plus, there are/were a smattering of think tanks, consulting groups, NGOs, etc.

This reminds me of Isis Women’s Health in Roswell, GA being forced to change their name because of threats from people who were too stupid to realize that the clinic had no connection to the Islamic State. 

God, I love Hark A Vagrant.

And yet you have no problem working for a man who signed an executive order to protect “religious liberties” to allow so-called “Christians” to deny service to anyone they don’t like (also known as people of color and those who are LGBTQIA). Of all the lies that have spewed forth from your vile mouth, “I always do my

I worked at an upscale resort with a restaurant/bar, and we had a strict policy against fraternization with guests. On property, at least.

It turns out this place is a bar/resto/hotel combo. So, maybe the employees aren’t supposed to be heading up to any guests’ rooms, since it’s all one establishment?

The Wolf of Wall Street. I think he’s supposed to be fucked up on mescaline in that scene. It’s a good movie in a “holy shit what did I just watch?!” kinda way.

I would imagine she walked off her shift to do so, right? Otherwise, this seems ridiculous.

Thank you for posting! This is excellent news!

I am more concerned that Elsie has not taken a shower since she got kidnapped and tied down in a cave last season. They still have her looking slightly disheveled and dirty, but maybe she took a shower off screen and I didn’t see it. Every time I see her I get grossed out and I really just want her to take a shower or

THR reports that the second season is not set in a high school, but in the 1700s and is supposed to revolve around Marie Antoinette, with many cast members returning to play new roles à la American Horror Story.

Vote against her

I hope it’s this one. Though it would make more sense if the hot mug showed them alive.


But what would you do with an Irn Bru chew?