
They were the kind with suction cups at the end instead of arrowheads, which was less destructive, thankfully.

I love that! I’m pretty sure it’s her and my dad, who has gotten OBSESSED with Groupon since he retired, starting with giving all the grandkids crossbows for Christmas!

My husband is the type who can eat whatever crap and remain between 150-160 lbs (he’s 6'4'’ and a skinny guy). I am the opposite. If I am not very active, I could eat 1100 calories a day and gain weight.

When I was around 13 or so I was dropped off at the mall to get Christmas presents for the family. No 13 year old boy is good at such things. I was struggling. But there was this kiosk, maybe Sharper Image or something like that with all kinds of cool things for gifts. I saw this mini back massager, maybe $15 bucks or

I hope the mass protests are still on though; to show the opposition to Trump via his representative.

Hey now... I will NOT allow facts to get in the way of a good photo humor. they even MATTER in this day and age.

(I did not know that bit of history and for that I am ashamed as I studied the period).

There was only one Code 45*-eligible word tweeted out today. It’s not exactly profound, but it answers a couple of questions, such as: “Which states are the ones you will fuck over every chance you get?” and “How is most of the world feeling virtually every goddamned minute of every miserable goddamned day since you

I guess everyone is telling their celeb run in stories now. I met Hillary Clinton a few years after her first run. My best friends mom is a special event coordinator for a university and she knew just attending would be special for me so she made sure I had a prime seat. She takes me into a room backstage and I just

My ideal ending:

And thus the existential questions I’ve always had about heaven are re-awakened. My entire life I’ve always thought the entire idea of it seemed really boring...and it’s pretty likely none of my friends will be there anyway.

I’m so happy for Mindy St. Clair!

I can’t believe this is her first acting gig. She’s got comedic chops to spare. Not to take away from her talent, but I imagine it helps being surrounded by incredibly talented people.

It’s interesting to read her gushing about what a nice guy Mike Schur after reading that Harmon/Ganz story.

I bet when Russell Brand was treating her like shirt and bigtiming her in those interviews, he never imagined that someday her star would eclipse his. Every once in a while the universe gets it right.

Or when an actress is labelled “nuts” or “difficult”. Who made them nuts? What are they being difficult about? That part we never get told.

Oh, the cat will eat.

It’s pretty adorable that you don’t realize that Claudia is both smothering you and pre-warming your face for consumption.

She’ll eat well for several days while your suffocated body is lying dead in the bedroom.

Another way to look at it is that Claudia will have just created her own food. I think there was an X-Files about psychics that dealt with that in some way or another.

This must be why I’m a dog person.

But it was a benefit show, if the tickets were through planned parenthood or another private party and they had rented out the club, I think they would be ok.