Basil Khan

They need to round up the money they have and try to get into another business ...the social networking war has been lost

can anyone guess the price?

What we really need is a breakthrough in battery technology....

8 -10 years :@

This causes me to feel that my i7 is old news sad

How humanity has failed

can we walk on the dense rings?

@Ian Logsdon: no attack on you just to be clear...

@Ian Logsdon: Because i am not american i wrote "Hey my name is basil.." in a happy way - :)

Lets see what happens all i can say....our individual opinions dont matter really

@sunspot72: Wont do any good for the else are they supposed to screw you out of your money for medicine that are shit expensive and dont work

I smell the arrival of new mac minis...

Cockroaches are the only animals that can survive nuclear radiation..

I spy a real iPhone in there

@Boswell: i think you have a good idea there... there should be a donation box icon next to stuff like this so that people can donate if they like...and then gizmodo sends an it their way and the rest to a charity or to research....

Did none of you see this ship?