Basil Khan

@ConfederateRokr: i know ...but a car? the wiring , the engine, how? bAHhaah...

@Sublethalend: *head explodes* for sure but does this picture look real to you?

Its Beautiful.... and you have to accept that

WTF is this?

@Salacion: i think that you wanted to say the word 'stupid'

@Guillaume Filion: that was sad.... this makes it look as if robots have feeling...i think they do

I am telling you, us humans are only using 2 % of our brain power

In Soviat Russia We Spam Spam....

So this is the start of a new story

Oh so that tablet has a retina display and superior black levels :D

@Ants_Pai: troll wars we have seen many

I friggin hate FARMVILLE... !1!! :@

The same way you park everything else

@countjackula: what knowledge must a person require to create an iPhone game good sir?

Just thinking should i buy a Toyota car again?

@TheClap: similar to the way apple releases their OS.... comparatively small updates but no MAJOR changes such as Mr @aThingOrTwo said...

You people act as if it was an accident....thats sad

I am expecting great things from Apple and Microsoft