Basil Khan

@Chernobyl: unexpected comment dont you think?

Does anyone else think that a touch screen iMac is not a very bright idea,

too big

Can someone estimate how much he made please?

can someone explain to me the lindsay lohan advertisements?

Dont be hatin on Officer Bubbles

Something as wrong as this is either intentional or satans work...

@TechHaze: so jobs is responsible for the disney subliminal messages videos...check on youtube if you dont know what i mean...

I want to sell my HD5830 for an nvidia graphic card at the same price point, is it a good idea?

Yeah right...

OMG what does this mean?

These people seem nice

This is a great idea in a sense that this is planted in places where deforestation has taken place,

I was expecting some kind of a new plane

So if she was 1 year older the guy would would have been in the clear?

I cant afford food... which network should i join?

@darkanimematt: no battle lasts 2 months inside a coal filled cave with limited food and water so there you go...

Now playing

Regular transformers still have the ability to make you wet yourself