Basil Khan

@Z_Naught: Sadly he has a plane and you dont...

@Samurai I-am-awry: i saw a kid who built a wind mill for himself just by reading books and he powered his small home with that... he got noticed and i think some educators took him...he experienced the internet and computers and was like WHERE the HELL have these thing been was i was making my windmill ?

@Joe Brown: Your comment has angered the demons ! now they will throw unicorn urine on your soul... D:

So if we were to go long will it take us if we near the speed of light with time compression included ?

love the new format but does anyone think the basic font should change?

I am sorry but why?

Fox news will use this on all of its cameras to further manipulate the population.... yaaaay

I want microsoft to create a phone for itself in the near future.... maybe take a page from apple... i am sorry but the iPhone 4 is too gorgeous to reject :D

@jabber: no about the fact that we landed there.. :|

So if it did crash will we call the pilot a muslim?

Why not help him find a good job now...

I am still not convinced about the moon thing....

This needs the Tigerwoods guy

so the wars are not ending

@casperiv: I have a 5830 ATI too.... i dont seem to love it but i wanted to ask your opinion on how it runs games

@paulo1: this picture will be complete if you put in the tiger woods guy in....

If a person below 18 say 16 or 13 or below commits a crime such as speeding or murder then what is the penalty?

This is considered cheating in CS

@Decad3nce: this guy should replace every logo