Basil Khan

Wow happy farm is just as popular as farmville? where did that come from?

why the hell will it take 6.1 years instead of 22.4 years ?

@Zaos: I am suing spammed gizmodo by a double post xD

@sanitymops: i want that line to be as solid as a wall.... hate flesh bot.... the editors for fleshbot are different right?

I am sadly i am not a long time gizmodo reader because i just recently discovered and by that i mean half an year has passed but i wanted to ask how would i get to know the editors?

@kittysglass: Gizmodo is not only about gadgets....i hear you can visit a site called engadget if you want exactly that

I am predicting the news that i will hear from Fox in a couple of years

Shouldn't the title be "Like" us for an event

Whats with the "Super" in all the names of the cellphone displays :|


Sue them ....

@juan_egg: how long did the last piece take?

Is this a skin care ad warning me to not use 4g or i will get wrinkles