
If your game requires mods, made by the players, to be good, then there is something wrong with your game, not the console it’s being played on.

What can you do with the Miitomo app anyway? I’ve kind of strayed away from all things Nintendo over the last few years due to the excessive amount of childish material, Miitomo included. I’m actually surprised that this is still a thing.

Too true. Certain champs just ooze toxic behavior because they aren’t balanced properly.

They should ‘focus’ on making sure the NX isn’t another gimmicky console.

Yeah, that’s what it sounds like, and it’s very disappointing to old school Nintendo fans. Gimmick after gimmick doesn’t work, but they keep on doing it.

Slow year? It’s been slow for nintendo for about 10 years. Gimmicky consoles, games are for kids below 10. I grew up on NES/SNES/N64 when the games were good and challenging. Haven’t purchased anything Nintendo since the Wii came out. If Nintendo screws up the NX with another gimmick (which they’ve pretty much said it

The thing about the Final Fantasy franchise is that it’s not Final Fantasy anymore. I grew up playing the original FF on the NES, and FF3 (6) on the SNES. FF7, 8, and 9 are decent games (9 being closest to the root gameplay of most of the FF games). 10 and up are not Final Fantasy. I’m not saying that they weren’t