
That’s nice for you. And I’m sure, equally special for your students to be subjected to your nasty attitude. Don’t be that PhD insists on people calling you doctor. Don’t. It’s not a good look, and will garner only disrespect and derision.

Except that maybe she wasn’t a doctor at all? In your days as an EMT you must have seen the magnet a medical emergency has for every quack, poseur and pretender seeking their fame within earshot of the sirens?

They’ll sue twice as quick if harm came to them because the steward failed to verify credentials.

Yes, and your family would be only too glad to sue everyone in sight if harm came to you because the stewardess didn’t verify your credentials. So there is that little issue.

Mine says “Name, M.D.” And follows up with “Medical staff”

Or a card from your state licensing board. Wow! Racist much?

Usually we carry a card from our state licensing board.

As long as you, personally, cling tightly to the idea that it isn’t......well it never will be for you. The rest of us have moved on. It’s nice here. You’re welcome to join us when you’re ready.

For me, it has got better with age. Mostly because I learned that microsggressions deserve micro attention.

If you need two, please pay for two. Thank you.

Oh. Nice way to defend a woman, by demeaning another. Nice feminism.

Yes, yes they unfortunately do. In droves.

Oh, some people live for the opportunity to pretend to be doctors. Most experienced doctors and nurses tend to be the last ones to volunteer because they can mostly tell when they aren’t really needed and have no desire left to proclaim their newly minted credentials.

As a female physician now 18 years’s youth sweetie. But don’t worry, that too shall pass. At a certain point you’ll remember the last time someone thought you were too young to be a doctor with a rueful smile. And realize that, yeah, you were 😉

Where do you “locals” work again? You all farmers in the desert? Cool.

Yes. Great idea. Then sit on your front porch waiting for the UFOs old timer😉

No humans could live there without irrigation, AC and trucked in food.

And those persons’ ideas for making a living off a baking desert are what, again?

What is up with the floor? Are you in a prison?

Nightmares for providers too. You can’t really ever get the smell out of the room where you lance one of those.