As a Clinton surrogate once famously said...”if you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find”
As a Clinton surrogate once famously said...”if you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find”
Saints alive! Someone actually voiced his personal perspective that, yeah, maybe things aren’t all Soweto here in the good all US of A and HORROR white people ain’t the damn devil!!! A black man failed to tow the party line! Break out the lynch mob and pitchforks! Burn the heretic at the stake!
You know, nobody’s watching this movie because of general social fatigue with the issues presented. Not because of Nate Parkers drunken college tryst decades ago.
Ok. Hmmm......nothing yet.
Got up on the super racist side of bed this morning, huh? Maybe a coffee will help soothe your spiteful bigotry. Good luck!
Oh, let her have her specific type of special snowflake “pain”. Doesn’t hurt you any.
Nice racist bigotry you spout there sir hypocrite!
Intelligent people are often intolerant of stupid, useless actions of their less gifted brethren. The dullards call this bigotry.
Feel free to find a flag and anthem better suited to you. We’ll happily let you emigrate 😉
Accountable for properly interpreting the Constitution? Check. She’s all over that.
What inability and what new information? Your comment makes no sense.
Your racist views interfere with your reading skills. The Justice did not dismiss anyone’s right to protest. In fact, she reaffirmed it. She personally disagrees with the method, however. And that is neither racist nor ageist. But rather because she is actually intelligent and educated enough to understand what…
“.....forcing this colorblind myth to serve mistake #5.”
You are bringing in aspects that have no bearing. Sounds pretty racist to me.
Actually, no one cares if you, personally, give a shit. I’m certain the man suing only cares what the judge thinks. Your misandric opinion is, and will remain, forever irrelevant.
No. actually, the money spent on Nats games for me and everyone I know is spent instead of going to O’s games in Baltimore. I’m a DC Native who never spent an entertainment dollar in a DC until 2008.
Breaking: 40,000 “outsiders” spend $$$$$$ up to 100 times a year in SW since 2008. A place none of them had any need/interest in going to and spent exactly zero in the city at all before baseball. The proper city to ask about revenue from Nats Park is actually Baltimore😉
First step in credibility when you accuse someone. Your name. State it or go home.
Well...the father had to go to court to properly raise his children. The mom could abuse them by default....because womb.
No. no, it disent. Medicine has evidence based recommendations. If your advice is from someone’s not medicine. And it’s not good advice.