
And yet, none of those activities include shooting at people! Huh, really strange how people who strive to hold a gun properly, shoot at targets to improve their skills and generally use them in a way that respects the need for proficiency, are also the least likely to be committing gun crimes! Some government

And an epic fail for the gun control lobby as well.

That wouldn’t really explain the rate of gun violence in a place like Chicago would it? A city where 2000 people were shot in the first half of 2016.

Unless the thing I’m putting a bullet into is an attacker, then it’s defense.

I’d rather be a liar than be a racist.”

It seems that FIFA just realized the enormous waste of money in a futile attempt to change human nature.

No. Everyone isn’t PC. Some people find it offensive that you don’t agree with them. Others don’t care what you do or think, but would like to not be subjected to it.

It’s called their work uniform. So, yes.

Include spoiled toddlers in the group of non fans.

Oh, please! It’s not as if children consent to be born into privilege. It’s one of the many, oh so tough burdens of noblesse oblige. And by the way the actual PURPOSE of his existence. Get with the program Kate and Will, your child isn’t being taught what it is to live as royalty on the backs of taxpayers.

Your child isn’t heir to the throne. To whom much is given a shit ton is required.

Oh look! Bratty children whose narcissistic parents haven’t taught them basic manners! Good to know “royals” are just like the rest of humanity!

Abortion does not cure poverty anymore than pograms, war, or mass incarceration has. Your analogy is not only flawed, it’s repellent. Oh, how many children do you support?

That’s not how the stock market works dear.

Like the vast majority of your fellow citizens.

I watched the video. It’s not her nipples that are on obvious display.

Nudity. She is completely naked save the paint.

Not every problem is my personal crusade or issue. It may be yours, but only toddlers tantrum until everyone has bleeding eardrums. Don’t be a toddler.

That would just get more people to stop watching even sooner. There is a reason this narcissistic third rate QB is already the most hated NFL player.