Neither this lady nor any other “owns” a culture or can make rules for how to act/wear/dress/eat/live for any other. Peace to her.
Neither this lady nor any other “owns” a culture or can make rules for how to act/wear/dress/eat/live for any other. Peace to her.
Her mother is Thai? She isn't then? She's hapti or whatever? Maybe she identidfiescascwhatever the hell race her dad self identified as? Or maybe she makes up her own a la Tiger Woods? More proof this whole race thing is bullshit.
Nice narcissism. Apparently, pregnancy brain is real.
No. They just don't think your as special as you think you are.
Your stroller takes up twice the space it should.
Neither do the ladies impressed by your “ability” to be knocked up and mobile.
Yes....but why should you get a seat just cause you have a kid? Does motherhood make you disabled?
And I'm sure your entitled attitude would get a big FU back.
Nope. Pregnant young women can stand. It's not like their legs aren't working. I only give up my seat for the disabled.
But what if the idea is not a good one? I’m not going to “amplify” a dumb ass idea. Maybe that's why the ideas are ignored in the first place. I think with my brain, not my sexual organs.
“stamping an expiration date on her uterus as if it were a bag of pre-washed kale is not the way to fix this.”
“That bothers me even more. And of course there’s the big one: the appropriation of the Hebrew Bible by the Christian “
“How do you feel about churches holding Christian seders? That’s what I would consider appropriation—taking something from another culture and twisting it and claiming it as your own”
In fairness, actually changing a diaper isn't a prerequisite to understanding a baby's need to have someone perform that task. It's not rocket science after all.
That's nice. Teach them your racism right from the start so they don't have a chance to become anything else. Good parenting!
None of this says anything that matters at al...stand, sit, sing, kneel.......just play the game for which you are paid. Or go home.
One figures the baseline moral character of a person based upon their actions. As most Millenials haven't done shit but bitch and moan.......they get a well deserved reputation for being narcissistic, entitled crybabies.
Racism in America? Bless your heart! The biggest racists of all are these deluded fools.
Constitutional right to be a narcissistic attention whore? #firstworlproblems #overpaidmanchild #overthisalready
Yes. Yes. You do.