You had me until “the reason she drank it is completely irrelevant”, Because the drugging is part of the charge against him.
You had me until “the reason she drank it is completely irrelevant”, Because the drugging is part of the charge against him.
You're very literal.
Unsuprisingly. Kids who watched Pepe are not adults unaware of norms. You are making something innocent into too much.
You are seriously overthinking. If you keep on...motherhood will be more of a trial than necessary.
You are, I hope not on purpose, destroying my childhood. Please stop. It's gotten old and weary this crusade.
We should ban machetes.
Please find the instance when anyone, whatever hue, whatever gender has wielded a machete in broad daylight to slay an innocent on a public street and it NOT been covered? Your dog whistle is not welcome here.
Just because your criticizing a woman’s actions doesn’t mean you are a misogynist. Are women above criticism or too fragile to handle it in your opinion?
I’ve always loved Wonder Woman. But this trailer leaves so many questions......where is her invisible plane? Why does she have an accent...I know she’s an that a Brazilian accent? Wonder would NEVER throw shade on another woman (as with the secretary).....also what’s with the Greek mythology? Zeus?! You’re…
Your words have failed you?
You are, quite directly, criticizing his beliefs which is the hallmark of a bigot. “you’re inventing a straw man....” You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Criticism of someone’s religious beliefs when they aren’t being imposed on you in any way, based merely upon your not sharing those same beliefs comes pretty close to crossing the line of hateful speech. At best it is il-liberal and not at all progressive.
You do realize that there isn’t a religious test for office in the U.S.? And that hating Kaine for his personal beliefs which he has a track record of keeping them totally separate from his governing, is, well, bigoted at best.
If you think Kaine is “a religious nutcase” and blue dog dems are an “abomination” just might be in the wrong party.
She couldn't get a legal abortion?
Actually she did. Blood tests don’t show everything you’ve ever taken because your metabolism breaks it down. Exam of her dead baby was the evidence.
She did. That’s why the fete die charge was on the table. She killed a viable baby. But the loophole in the law written by people who couldn’t imagine anyone would self inflict a thirty week abortion saved her.