
As a Hispanic person (though not Mexican), please let me say - those emotes are totally, totally fine.

Imagine thinking this is a serious thing people should care about. 

the country is only now ostensibly reckoning with its well-documented history of systemic racism and state-sanctioned violence”

Wow, we’re getting two identical stories on this, huh?

I know, this pisses me off every time I see someone spout this bullshit. It’s not alt anything to be interested in or believe conspiracy theories. Whilst I had a big thing for them when I was a teenager, not so much anymore. But my best friend and partner still love them. She believes in mermaids, he believes in

It seems like most of the arguments in that video could be applied to the left as well. Just flip the target audience around. Alt-right groups target white, cisgender, heterosexual males. Liberal groups target non-white, LGBTQ+ men or women. Both groups have zero tolerance for opposing political views and resort to

It really isn't, there's a bit of an insinuation that the players are poor but it's really akin to like...joking about American gamers who eat Doritos and drink Mountain Dew. It's not anywhere near as big a deal as some people are trying to make it out to be.

Or, alternatively, people need to lighten up. 

Oh my god. As long as this isn’t some slur (I don’t know enough to say if it is or isn’t, but no one’s been reporting it is), these guys need to grow the fuck up. Oh no, someone made an incredibly light jab at you on the internet. Whatever will you do. 

Yeah, every Far Cry since 3 has basically been exactly the same game, yet I enjoyed every one of them

Since its a fictional country based on Cuba, then I don’t know if you would actually need cuban accents or if its even appropriate to do so.

On the other hand, and this is purely my own feelings, I always hated in games and movies where everyone is supposedly speaking their own language but you hear everything in

“Though the event was ostensibly about games, it was impossible to ignore the recent upheaval surrounding the French publisher.”

Not gonna lie, this looks realllly good. (I love 50/60s cars though, what can I say, that’s helping a lot)

I’ve got news for you Caitlin - Trump and the Republicans aren’t banning books. The incredible irony in your thesis that this comic gives insight into current events is that the only censoring and banning happening today is by private businesses who believe the balance sheet favors giving in to the Twitter mob.

With the cancellation of Cops and LivePD, if we ever see an onscreen depiction of the police, articles like this and others will help ensure that it is a negative portrayal. It’s a damn shame that a job people used to consider a noble pursuit has to be drug into the gutter by the actions of a few who should never have

I thought the talking point was that it was college students who cried about these types of issues. Now it’s millennials as well, apparently.

Can you include the time stamps where you observed innovation?

Ya ok. I’m no fan of the guy, and spare me the shouting about kiddie porn, etc. I think we all know that calling what he did “posting kiddie porn” is reeeeaaalllly stretching the definition of “kiddie porn.”

She did apologize for generalizing.

Reminder that there are at least 5 major population centers on the shortest route between El Salvador and Brownsville that this family could have lived in and been happy. There is a problem at the border because Mexico is more than happy to shuttle these immigrants through and neither major party wants to fix the