So if you’re frustrated with a woman taking advantage of you or doing something awful, it’s acceptable to just say “women are trash”?
So if you’re frustrated with a woman taking advantage of you or doing something awful, it’s acceptable to just say “women are trash”?
It’s incredibly misogynistic to assume she is not an equal partner in an agreement between two spouses (a “pact” if you will).
Do what we were doing before the concentration camps would be a good start. We can also expand the relevant departments and agenciess to process and review the refugee cases faster.
It really bothers me whenever people (liberals especially) speak the “Anyone is better than Trump” line. I get where it’s coming from...he’s an unmitigated nightmare. But we can’t follow a nightmare like Trump with someone who is just good enough to beat him. We need someone exceptional to restore the country’s place…
The title could be flipped, republican donors trying to woo naive democrat supporters through centrist like Biden.
Sexual orientation isn’t visible.
Are gay men only capable of playing gay men?
Weird a level headed comment on these stories. You are brave sir.
There’s nothing in it for him to apologize. He’d have to break character, and that character made him rich. It’s not like anyone who is outraged by this is going to subscribe if he says he regrets what he did.
This whole art on the internet thing is weird. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I’m always weirded out by artists doing renditions of characters they don’t own, then getting upset when other people who don’t own that artwork then come along and share it, credited or not. I’m genuinely confused on how one is OK…
Her probably will, but he had the guy follow him in and didn’t say anything like wait out here, it seem like he was complicit with him following him into the restroom and at any point of time could have said hey you can’t be in here. So his defense is gonna sink if he tries to completely place blame on his cam guy or…
I saw it. It was a ridiculously inappropriate thing to do.
I know that this is an unpopular opinion, but this fight does illustrate the problems and nuance regarding a national minimum wage. For the record, I DO believe that we do need a national minimum wage, but it should be tied to cost of living.
When the big muscle dude sees a fat guy at the gym he thinks one of two things Nothing, or “how long till this dude is done with the squat rack?”
You should see what the Whig party has been up to lately.
So, basically, you’re mad that people are thinking about what the actual policy outcomes and effects on the poor will be instead of jumping on the latest virtue signal slogan to show which side of the wedge they’re on.
At the end of the day, my response was “good...” but that was pretty much all I had to muster. I don’t watch this guy, and honestly, I’m hesitant to judge, as I’ve known similar performance artists IRL. Obnoxious, with no real appeal to me, but when the camera ain’t rolling... perfectly nice guy. So, I don’t really…
not a big deal? it was a CRIME, you can’t commit a CRIME without it being a big deal!!!
Actually, in the State of Utah they passed legislation last year that legalized running red lights...