
Anyone see Elizabeth Warren chicken out of doing a Fox News town hall? Bernie crushed and no Democrat has the courage or skill to equal him. Bernie is the strongest candidate for Democrats. The rest of the field is nothing but crooks, cowards, and frauds.

Oh God, fuck this. I have my misgivings about it too, but I am so done with entitled dipshit fans like these.

As people pay attention to Biden they will realize they hate him. He’s dumb and corrupt. Wait until the stories about Biden’s weird asshole kid start coming out. Hunter Biden is a crook and a sexual weirdo.

There were a couple of perfect frames in this show, including the one of Arya and the pristine white horse facing each other.

This shot:

Wow this is some real bottom of the barrel content.

Last night’s epsiode was perfect. Everybody who’s bitching hasn’t been paying attention. Ive been saying for years that dany is a crazy shitbag.

last nights episode was fucking perfect.

Um, sorry, but what? “Sudden turn”? The only reason it seems sudden is because D&D decided to rush these past two seasons but they have been building to this for a very long time. She was initially talked down from burning the Red Keep, before assisting everyone in the North. She’s progressively lost everything dear

He should have just disguised himself as a woman. That way Terrence Howard would have beaten him up! 

I hope he’s not beating himself up about it.

This news feels like a gutpunch administered by two brothers of Nigerian descent secretly paid for the attack due to my unhappiness with my salary.

Definition of irony: fatally ruining your career and reputation in a gambit to save your role on a show that winds up getting cancelled.

The economic sanctions the US put on Venezuela is an act of war that killed innocent civilians.   Disgusting Barack Obama’s policy towards Venezuela was basically the same as racist warmongers Trump and Bush Jr.  

Ever notice when there is a politician holding rich and powerful corporations accountable the name Bernie Sanders comes up a lot?   That tells you Bernie is the right choice for President.  

to be fair, this is probably what hamilton thinks of him and libby is parroting it because they’re fucking.

What a spit in the face to the troops. Dozens of brave soldiers made it their duty to testify against and prosecute this evil fucker, and President Trump just flushed their hard work down the toilet.

Lol, didn’t they already release the vast majority of them?

So Pelosi won’t support a course of action that over half the public doesn’t want to see happen, that would inevitably fail to remove Trump because the senate will never vote to convict, and could backfire big time and cost the Democrats dearly in 2020?

Looks like someone is learning how to showboat a bit.  Not that she’s wrong.