
You are 100% right about what it means to elect Biden.   The next Republican after Trump would be a monster.   Imagine if Trump actually knew what he was doing and worked hard.  Didn’t surround himself with morons and his family.   That is what will come after Biden if Democrats elect him.   People are sick of

I’d say it’s worse than that, because the unity scolds only seem to come out when some safe, “moderate” candidate like Biden gets challenged from the left. I have yet to hear one unity scold shout a person down for calling Warren “Pocahontas”, or one for saying pretty much anything about Bernie.

“Both of these people are old so all of their ideas are bad.”

Now playing

This is the worst journalism I’ve seen, they intentionally omit her apology, and they omit that she believes transwomen in MMA is fair as long they transition before puberty. She states she respects trans identity numerous times.

Never been a fan of Rousey. Don’t like pugilism and she is a crime against acting.Having said that, as much as hate to agree with her, she is right about the transgender fighter.

Yea, it was SUPER obvious Rousey is not a professional voice actor. She did not gel well with the rest of the cast at all and her emotional moments with Cassie and Johnny fell flat. She stands out in a bad way, even if you have no idea who Rousey is.

I was really on board with you from reading the Headline, but I wasn’t really concerned with those things you mentioned in the article. I just think she is a bad voice actor and gave a very bland performance. I think that’s more of valid reason for her to not be in MK. Cause it pertains to the game. Not the history of

And given the national appeal of the ideas being touted by other Dem candidates and how old and stale Biden’s bullshit is, he still isn’t the one.

I want Yang on stage for at least one debate.

This is really simple. I will pick five candidates and everyone else can fuck off and maybe get the VP nod. The candidates who will be debating are:

Well all symbols are made up. I know what you mean about the hand gesture, though. That is just one example that perfectly encapsulates how they operate in a way so they can always deny and laugh at other ppl for taking things too seriously.

I defy you to come up with any legitimate examples of him “flirting with the White Supremacists” or “Neo-nazi’s” with any kind of context. The fact of the matter is, there is none. Anyone who actually watches his videos can tell you he never has actually done anything remotely racist with any kind of racist intent.

Things like raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for a charity in India. Like bringing the entire YouTube community together. Like creating music videos, memes, and comedy that the whole world has enjoyed. 

There are a million ways to save money. Not buying lottery tickets is no better or worse than most of them. You can save money not buying your lunch. Or coffee. Or going to a matinee. Not taking a vacation. Clipping coupons.

The New York Times Magazine literally ran an excerpt from Mein Kampf. In 1941. Like, without commentary. To sell copies of the book.

The one term pledge thing sounds great except WHY ARE WE GOING TO KNOWINGLY ELECT SOMEONE WHO WOULD GIVE UP THE ADVANTAGE OF INCUMBENCY SO WE CAN RETAIN THE PRESIDENCY LONGER!?!! Don’t elect someone who can only work half the fucking job and call that smart!

That was worse than I can imagine. The only answer that was any good was the response to his alleged “one-term pledge,” and even that wasn’t that great.

Sam Harris is an incredibly rabid bigot” and “Rogan is a far-right enabler”

Wow - this just shows how determined some people are to pigeonhole others into neat little boxes.  No wonder Trump gets elected in this sort of climate...

It is being raised in relation to the Left making overtures to the ideas like allowing 16 year olds and non-citizens from being able to vote, packing the supreme court, overhauling the 2 Senators per state & replacing the electoral college. Basically, the right is trying to further frame these Left politicians who are

Fuuuuuuuck Joe Biden.