About what?
About what?
Look, we all saw Trump bait Elizabeth Warren with the DNA nonsense, and if what you want is for the Dems to advance towards impeachment, knowing Republicans will shoot it down in the Senate, all so Trump can take another victory lap just like he did after Barr’s summary, and use that going into the 2020 elections,…
Ok. goddamit. By saying “we might get there or we might not” isn’t weakness. It’s just lawyerly. Why say “we are driving toward impeachment”? Why? What purpose it would it serve? A mad dog like Trump would rather be kicked than not. That’s his MO. If you don’t give him a nod either way he can’t fucking stand it.
I am truly torn on this (though I appreciate Warren saying what we’re all thinking). If you accept the theory that impeachment without removal will result in challenges during the election, it’s a no brainer to me - don’t do it. I think people are right to be worried about that - people don’t understand the process,…
Just shows how bad she is at this unfortunately.
I think it’s a massive waste of time that will ultimately hurt our chances in the 2020 election by turning it into a referendum on impeachment instead of the myriad reasons why Trump should not be re-elected. The midterms weren’t won by pushing for impeachment and neither will the next election.
Once again, Libby demonstrates that she is completely out of her depth. This is what happens if we try impeachment:
With a Republican senate that isn’t likely to budge, it would be a huge embarrassment to democrats and potentially sap momentum going into the election. She isn’t going to push impeachment unless it’s going to be successful
“Harris was a prosecutor, which means she was a cop.”
Something else we aren’t hearing about on a daily basis: the ongoing protests in France.
Congress invoking the war powers act should not be vetoable.
No, dipshit. Your constitutional powers only extend to national security, not helping your buddies out in a proxy war.
Bernie leads and the rest of the field tries to catch up. That means President Bernie is what we need. Not lame ass copycats who aren’t brave or bold enough to try big ideas first. Know why Mayor Pete didn’t go first? Because he’s a grifter with little to say and no real ideas.
“CAP took $2.5 million from the United Arab Emirates between 2016 and 2018"
I think this has Nancy Pelosi soiling her depends. She’s seeing those sweet, sweet insurance lobbyist dollars drying up...
God this moment was great - To all the haters and losers who thought Sanders going on Fox News was a mistake, he killed it tonight.
I’m starting to feel like we’re getting to a point where nothing is allowed. I mean, the context here, for example. She isn’t making fun of black people in any way. She’s trying to remain true to the character, who happens to be black. It would be one thing if she had done something deliberately offensive, but she’s…
It’s almost as if no one likes the new kid who comes into a new job and starts telling everyone whose been there for years whats what instead of shutting the fuck up and learning.
Let’s all remember who called into a radio show on 9/11 to note that his building was now the tallest in NYC. NEVER FORGET.