
He joined a volunteer military for reasons other than economic desperation during a period of war. That should tell you all you need to know about his foreign policy.

That’s how you can tell she has something to say.  

Beto and Biden have both worked to help Republicans campaign in recent years. Imagine what that wing of the party would say about Tulsi or Bernie doing the same thing. Biden was paid $200,000 to help a Republican in 2018. Should kill his campaign that he is so corrupt and disloyal.

The main game is a slow, methodical story with interesting characters.

As much as I am stoked for what the movies are doing.

...and my reference to the primary might’ve been mine.

Nancy Pelosi is a terrible politician and human being.   She holds the country back with her blatant corruption.  

The private insurance business model is to LITERALLY do anything possible to not pay out healthcare benefits to people. That’s how they increase profit margins and why it’s such a pain in the ass for normal people like us to actually use our insurance. Business is booming for them and they don’t want it to change.

Wow, that’s like two straw men in a single sentence. I doubt that the Trump administration folks who planned this really believe that these migrants face a serious threat of committing murder and rape. If they did, DHS would never have authorized their release.

Chelsea is an ex-con who went by Bradley at the time of her trial. Why is that fact wrong to point out? Do we have to rewrite the court documents and transcripts if they are referenced after her transition?

What is the cut and dry journalism standard for referring to people who have changed names?

I think a lot of this is just Paul being an idiot who admires a criminal.

Why is the Times acknowledgement that when Chelsea was convicted, it was prior to her transition, when she was known as Bradley - “wrong”? The transition does not erase the history of who she was prior, it simply corrects her to who she is. But when you look at legal records, they will not be edited to reflect the

No, that’s not correct. I respect that you see it that way, but that’s objectively and literally not what she is doing. She knows what she is doing and she is doing it on purpose. She is using Trumpian agitation tactics to score rhetorical goals on those she views as enemies.

“Freedom of Speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences.”

She left her parents house and joined the military. A lot of people change their politics when they change their environment. Also she was home schooled. A fairly insulated upbringing.

I didn’t finish the article cause life is short but that headline seems like it was auto generated by a twitter parody bot.

Ittttttt’s Overbearingly Woke Theater!

Nice try, mom

Except you see black people wearing All Lives Matter shirts all the fucking time, so you can see how that could be confusing.