
Enough with the “No True ‘Woke’ Scotsman” shit. If Buttigieg isn’t progressive enough for you, then nobody is.

The fuck is a chiset?

Wake me up when he grabs someone by the pussy.

I do feel that it should be noted that the tone of this article would be dramatically different if literally any other candidate had made this decision- there’d be a lecture about breaking with the party, a diatribe giving aid to Fox and maybe a snide accusation about “Fox’s candidate” or “why are Democrats and

You’re consistently the fucking worst

All votes are counted equally. We are a constitutional republic, the state’s choose the executive. What you people are suggesting would guarantee that MOST states will have no way in their executive. You will guarantee that the president is chosen by NY and LA county. It's unconstitutional and a power grab. 

How did this article get out of the grays?

So in other words, “I prefer to keep the political power towards areas with the highest concentration of white people.”

isn’t quite up to Splinter levels of toxic shit posing just yet.’

I, for one, am glad Elon has a sense of humor. The fact that it really seems to stick in the craw of those with a long wooden tree appendage inserted deftly up their nethers is just a bonus.

There are numerous very legitimate reasons to criticise Elon Musk and the annoying cult of personality surrounding him, but god fucking dammit does this website have it out for him literally just because he’s a world-famous billionaire who likes to act like a harmless goofy fratboy every once in a while.

You have a bright future writing poorly constructed hit jobs at Fox, Bill Hughes, the new Bill O’Reilly, now with more rape

You mean the writers of this site?

I am sure the folks who willfully misinterpreted his initial comments, who are addicted to outrage, will receive this sensitive and insightful statement with the nuance, empathy, and enlightenment that is their trademark.

That’s weird, I always felt that the writing was the only thing holding the game back. BL2 was such a cringefest, most of the people I play with, myself included, turned off the dialogue audio before long.

Jesus Fucking Christ, you are the fucking Worst.

Zero percent surprised that the cryptofascist candidate’s supporters can’t string together two whole sentences that actually make sense.

How is more delegates for a mummy an upside?

You are blind if you don’t see what is happening. The GOP will push to delay, until the Democrats are literally howling to get it released....and eventually, the GOP will do so. And it will contain absolutely nothing new. And the Democrats will look even worse.

San Antonio: “To show that we are progressive and inclusive, let us discriminate against a business specifically because of the religious beliefs of its owners.”