
“The world is in worse shape than it was 14 years ago”. Really? By what metric or measure? 

Heard some of Maynard’s new stuff on Wednesday night, it was new, which is really all I can say about it currently, not bad, just not ingrained yet. Tool tends to be where Maynard really gets angry, APC tends to be a bit more mellow. That being said, I’ll buy the new album, because it’s Maynard, and while I may not

Typical of New York. Shitting all over America, both figuratively and now literally.

Unlike Clinton he actually still has a political office.

Yeah, but does anyone really want to read The Root?

I’m all for reasonable gun reform, but the way this kid has leveraged a tragedy to launch his personal brand is a bit unsavory.

The tendency of the left to call out every single thing they don’t agree with as “racist” is only going to make this problem worse. Sure, the black working class is certainly worth prioritizing as well, but you even mention in your piece that they are already overwhelming voting Democratic.

....can’t put my finger on it either.

That you think I’m fishing for racist reactions in my criticizing racist bullshit speaks volumes about you, shitbird.

Or maybe not assuming that all “wypipo” are racist? The bystanders look horrified, and I haven’t seen anything about the ethnicity of the assholes who called the cops in the first place.

I didn’t think it was possible for you guys to figure out how to make embedding Tweets into stories any worse, but here we are. Someone needs to change (or remove) the column height for embedded objects.

Ah yes. You seem smart.

The first time I had one of those shipments, it was via Newegg. A package came from California or somewhere out west, got to a center just west outside of Philadelphia, then went over to Jesery, then in to Philly, to a USPS place in Delaware, and finally back to the Philly USPS distribution center before being

The nonsense with the USPS scanning packages as delivered before they were even out for delivery around Christmas got me so hot that I wrote my congressman about it. I explained that my experience was not isolated, and that several people had complained about the same thing (it was all over Reddit). People have enough

I was told by a manager at a post office that sometimes the postal workers will mark something as delivered in order to meet their deadline/quota/whatever for their shift that particular day if they know they can’t get it to you before the end of the shift. Then they’ll just deliver it the next day during the normal

I still think the book was really good. It has its problems, but I thought it had a fun plot and was way too sincere in its affection for the things it referenced to be considered “pandering.”

...i mean, i just said I wouldn’ yeah?

Fuck Hops. IPA’s are the worst kind of beers.

I hate IPAs, so I’m not particularly excited about this.

I used to live in Saudi Arabia. It was an open secret that the most Scarface people to ever walk the earth, particularly in Mid East countries, were Saud princes.