
The fact that you think Black Widow is somehow more worthy of being Infinity War than Hawkeye is, let alone having a standalone film, is the funniest thing I’ve read all day. Thanks for the laugh.

Yes. I can’t stand his show, but every time I see him somewhere outside of it he seems like he’s so genuinely appreciative of where he’s at in life, his friends, family, and the people he works with, and is especially grateful for the fans who love what he does.

Science is for NERDS AND LOSERS, amiright?

They’re not giving him an award and the event isn’t about the positive future of news, so I don’t really see a problem with him speaking. He’s an influential and important figure in media these days, even if he is a dirtbag. Actually, I’d be far more interested in hearing him speak than Zucker or Baquet.

Not to say that Elizabeth Warren has any native heritage to find, but I’m surprised so many people seem to have so much faith in these DNA tests. People treat the most like they’re solid science, but they’re barely more trustworthy than your horoscope. You can get different results depending on which company you

The good ol’ “Our great grandmother was a Cherokee princess” trope has been part of my family lore for ages. I got my Ancestry results back last week, and ... not a drop of indigenous American blood in me. Not even <1%. We are pretty much as English and Western European as you can get, which was a bit disappointing.

Ready Player One is a book written by a geek and a nerd for other geeks and nerds and that is what it is, and it does that fantastically. You who are so negative, so scowling, are you happily geeks? Are you proudly nerds? Then you love the book - it is basically a litmus test in that regard. Otherwise, shut the hell

Would you feel the same way if this was sports instead of esports? If Scarlett were to, say, run a 19.87 200m, would you be comfortable with saying she was the first woman to run a sub 20 second 200m? Barcode’s inelegant and borderline transphobic with his comment, but he’s not completely without reason to question

I am, by no means, looking to start an argument. I happen to think that her gender is important in a certain context. I agree that, as an individual, aside from gender, this is an absolutely mind-bogglingly insane accomplishment. However, in the context of this article, the writer goes to great lengths to make her

Barcode was spot on. It’s almost the same in every other different type of competitive game genre. In Street Fighter for example, there really isn’t any female player that stands out. Same with League of Legends, anyone remember the “Sirens” a few years back, they were an all female team that were squashed by the

“The second is that she is a woman. Like most esports and much of the video game industry, competitive StarCraft is not particularly diverse. There are many reasons for this, they are all awful, and they have led to a game that is dominated by young men.”

Isn’t it worth putting up with a difficult actor for the sake of a good show? Nobody’s life is at risk. Community was never quite as good after Chevy Chase left. I suspect Silicon Valley won’t be as good without Miller.

This seems kind of pointless. Most people aren’t going to have guns in their profile pictures. I don’t see any harm in the people who do. Especially if you’re going to let cops and soldiers still brandish their guns in pictures, what’s the point?


Kinda feels like Emma Stone is being demoted for something not at all her fault.

Blade Runner 2049 should win everything.

I like interacting here on Kotaku, but this comes off as one of the more petty articles I’ve read. The man has conservative politics and he made a pretty good video game that is successful. This kind of snide disdain for what is obviously a labor of love is why games journalism isn’t taken seriously anymore.

Wow, what a diverse crowd.

If you’re worried about that, don’t sit at any man’s computer desk, wether they have this game, or not. 

Ah, attention seeking dude pulls Angry Black Man in public.