Bash Maxwell

C'mon guys. Do better. I've read some good articles in this feature. This is not one of them.

Pretty much. Monitor/Handler for the original team, Bourne and his fellow assassins.

I don't think Internet is really doing a great job at all. I think Internet should be fired. If you don't fire Internet, then I'll quit.

And a music video…

This guy is just having fun with this. I don't get the anger I'm seeing here.

They follow the Time Cop rules of time travel? Yeesh.

Everyone's downloading/buying his old stuff. I implore you to check out his more recent offerings. Most specifically the song BREAKDOWN, and a song he did with 3rdEYEGIRL, ANOTHERLOVE. Awesome, awesome tunes. He's put out four albums since 2014.

Pffffttt. Real Daytonians know that Limp Bizkit would never return to The Gem City after The Incident.

My manager was cut in half to make room for MY FIST!

And a beat reporter for the Daily Planet makes 97k? WTF…

Well, dagnabbit, Marvel! Why the heck not?

Have you seen Predator?

Yeah, they really blow.

The Island of the Day Before isn't getting much mention. This was my introduction to Eco, and a phenomenal book. I confess I bought it outright based on the cover alone. Accidentally a great decision.

Island of the Day Before

If you leave them out long enough.

And fake sitcoms.

WHOA. London is an island of the coast of another island. I DID NOT KNOW THIS!?!?!?!

We need to build a wall around one thing, and make the other thing pay for it.

'Soldier' is supposed to exist in the same universe as Blade Runner. What I'm saying is what this sequel really needs is a Kurt Russell cameo.