
These are the same parents that leave the PG-13 movie, with their 8 years old, and start bitching that it was ‘too violent/sexy/etc.’ for kids. No shit. That’s why it’s rated for teens and older, and even then you should use some fucking discretion.

I was at Casino Royale and there was a dad with two kids in front of me who were already on the verge of tears watching Bond murder a guy in the bathroom.

Counter-counterpoint (that’s not really a counterpoint): all movies are better in a theater that serves wine. I saw Age of Ultron in my local wine-serving theater and I can attest that superhero carnage pairs nicely with merlot.

I’m over it. I didn’t like Deadpool when he was a lame Deathstroke rip-off, I didn’t like him when he was the Merc With a Mouth, and I didn’t like him when he was the cartoon character they eventually turned him into.

Aaaaaand we’re done with comments on this article.