
Cross-pollination happened in the show often. Rachel dated Joey and Ross. Chandler’s on/off girlfriend Janice slept with Ross. Joey dated a girl named Kathy who eventually changed him out for Chandler. It wasn’t just a POC thing, although if you’re Joey and/or Ross and Gabrielle Union and Aisha Tyler are in your area,

>>However, Kudrow does ignore that in the 236 episodes of Friends, the creators didn’t think to hire a few more people who could write stories about the experiences of being a person of color.<<

It’s going up 38% overnight!  If that keeps happening it will be $76/month by the end of a week!

What? The price of goods and services goes up over time? When did this start happening?

a movie driven by a good idea rather than a cynical exercise in leveraging existing I.P.”

I don’t think it’s out of character, I think it’s a sign of just how little Jimmy / Saul / Gene has left.

He’ll always be TC to me because TC was the shit. Sorry to see him go the way he did, but at 83 he had a pretty good run. Somebody better make a memorial flight around the island of Hawaii in a helicopter for him.

I am confused, just because someone knows some women who watch some HBO shows, or some men who watch some Discovery shows, doesn’t mean that HBO or Discovery doesn’t have a larger proportion of male or female viewers overall.

Sam Barsanti is a chilling vision of the future.


Right now, tens of... tens of Scoobheads are crying out in anguish

So Batgirl gets the ax desptite being FINISHED but Flash starting Ezra the Bully and this pile move forward?

“Uh yeah, one for Joker Foil a Dukes please”

“he’s navigated onscreen situations as dicey as being lost at sea with a tiger”

Supposedly the last act of BP was redone basically at the last minute, which explains why the CG there was so much worse than the rest of the movie. (Although frankly I don’t give a shit if CG is bad, that’s the least important and least interesting element of any movie)

Yeah, like for real — a movie starring Leslie Grace (and Michael Keaton), directed by the same people that just nailed Ms. Marvel... how bad could it be for a studio that willingly distributed Superman III, Superman IV, and Catwoman?

To be fair, there is an enormous amount of dick waving going on in the Discovery take over of HBO Warner. Record amounts. Whole divisions of Warner are doing things on their own in random power grabs right now. Zaslav and the discovery management have to really slam some heads to get any kind of control.

Both Variety and HR are reporting it had nothing to do with the quality of the film. It’s more a continuation of Zaslav axing everything and wanting DC movies to only be big budget theatrical releases rather than streaming original movies on HBO Max. While also trying to wrangle the DCEU into a more unified universe.

According to Variety, whose sources I trust more than the New York Post, it wasn’t about the quality of the film but a continuation of Zaslov’s slash and burn reorganizing of the film and TV division. He wants all DC stuff to be huge theatrical releases, not mid-budget direct to HBO Max releases. Not only does not

This is just taking precious funding from the Paulie’s Robot spinoff we’re all hanging out for.