
The racism against green British actors is truly appalling.

My guesses are usually 90% wrong, but my first thought is that Carol Burnett is playing Kim’s mom. Continued payoff for that late 80's/shoplifting flashback.

Also, the talking point isn’t “the supreme court’s reversal of roe was radical and took away women’s rights” became “democrats think men can give birth and any language criticizing them is violence.” She did not eviscerate him. She derailed the conversation to lecture him on trans-inclusive language, and then accused

So she won a million internet lefty cool points, and Hawley gets to go back to Missouri and stump/campaign/raise money on how well he triggers libs, how batshit “these/those people” are, and the fact that he ‘can’t even ask questions’ (questions his constituents probably find reasonable,) without being accused of

Yeah, I’m honestly tired of these headlines in liberal-leaning publications saying some right-wing loon was “eviscerated”. Even as a figure of speech they’re taking all the meaning out of it.

When I think about that term, I’m thinking about someone having a point made at them from which there is no escape, that sits


AV Club is pathologically horny for Dave Chappelle at this point. I wonder if they ever consider how much free promotion they’re giving him.

Its amazing how you know how 99% of this is going to end but you’re still on the edge of your seat. I deadass half thought Gus was going to buy it despite being fully aware that this is a prequel.

Replacing an actor that has gotten terrible reviews for her singing with an actor that (despite what you may think about her) has a fantastic voice counts as new and interesting to me. 

Tom Cruise as the titular Funny Girl, though...

They already tried to bring something new and interesting to the role/show, and it failed. Now they’re in “recouping costs” mode.

Guy parked next to us at the show wanted them to “keep the politics” out of their show tonight. I wasn’t able to comprehend how he had listened to them in the past.

I liked RATM better before they were all about woke politics and just let the music do the talking.

Seems pretty likely that Marvel will do Secret Wars at some point and I’m sure they’ll try to entice RDJ and Evans both back with stacks of cash for that.

“...another iconic 80s ballad...

OMG this EXACTLY. You’re a grown woman asking a teen to hook you up with a co-star? And then drag said teen for talking about it? Take ALL the seats. Plus, calling Noah a snake or weasel will def not help you get a date with Quinn who I’m sure has much for affection for Noah than a woman he’s never met. Great

This all damn day. Doja sent an unsolicited DM to a teen asking for help hooking up with his co-worker. Dude. This is the problem. Also, it’s 2022 and she’s still out here assuming that internet messages are private. This is the embodiment of “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”  

Maybe, but we love to see accountability for rising movie stars who typically go on to be entitled fuckboys, and this is probably a good way for Schnapp to learn not to violate a woman’s privacy. If a little shit shared my DM slides, I’d probably be pissed too.