
The issue is that they want Star Wars to be the MCU but refuse to actually try to expands the universe to new characters and instead just want to “play the hits”. It’s why Mando was such a refreshing change, it was new people. Then season 2 became “Hey look at all these cool clone war characters you don’t care about

Honestly this makes so much sense because even at a brisk six episodes, Obi-Wan Kenobi still managed to feel stretched out.

i’ve never really understood this critique of him? Are there many churches who’s stances on LGBTQ+ people are not super behind the times? Is he the only actor in hollywood who goes to church? Because going to church and cosigning all the backwards beliefs of christianity are two very different things, and pretending

Most of them don’t act as incredulous as this one.

Wait so the A.V. Club posted an article in disbelief that Baldwin was gonna interview Woody Allen totally mocking his choice to do so... and now here we are with the A.V. Club reporting on the content of that interview? This site is just totally about clicks now.

turned it from two hours into six

So I guess the pacing of the season feeling exactly like somebody padded out a Star Wars movie into a miniseries wasn’t an accident...

He’s the Piano Man who sits 10 yards from the keyboard

I believe it’s Stretch Armstrong’s son. 

Personally, I’d like to see them be less afraid of the future. I get that the sequel trilogy was poorly received, but there’s only so much they can milk out of the era between ROTJ and TFA.

Honestly, Disney should go for broke and just do a musical series

I just want quality stories worth my time to watch, not content.  Disney has a content problem.  

At this point, a good show, regardless of what it’s about. I enjoyed Obi-Wan Kenobi, but at some point I had to ask if I would recommend it to someone who isn’t in love with Star Wars, and I had to admit to myself, “No.”

I would’ve gone with “Woke Put to Sleep” but to each his own.

I agree, powerful people need to be held accountable, and it’s up to the people to fight for it. And the fact that Republicans spent decades on this is my entire point - it takes organization and a long term plan to change things. It takes cooperation among your party. It takes working the ground game and making your

Really? A fucking slideshow to bolster your ignorance in how the U.S. government is structured? People NOT voting is what fucking got us here in the first place. You should be embarrassed.

While I’m not shocked and surprised at the Supreme’s decision, I am shocked and surprised at the shock and surprise of those who seem stunned at the decision.

You should have written the article. You are 100% spot on. It’s like people have no idea how civics works. 

When Qui-Gon said he had always been there, you could tell Obi-Wan was thinking about how many times he’d jerked off in that cave.

So nobody else was momentarily baffled that Reva just shows up on Tatooine walking and talking like she didn’t get run through with a lightsaber last week? And this is in the same span of time where the Path ship is still trying to escape Vader’s destroyer? I thought I’d missed an episode.