
Yeah, I’ve heard stories of people reading the book for the first time and being absolutely gutted when Nick dies. Similarly to those who watched the 90s mini-series.

Exactly. Andy, and kids in general, love Buzz because Buzz is a cool toy. Disney should know this since they sold millions of the damn thing.

Here’s an idea... Buzz Lightyear, by himself and in his own fictional universe, isn’t that interesting of a character, and is really just a generic science fiction hero.

I’m going to disagree that there is nothing interesting happening in these charts as it is difficult to put into words how absurd the numbers for Top Gun Maverick are.

The good news for theaters at least is that big four-quadrant movies are still pulling huge. Three movies this weekend topped $40 million plus, and Jurassic World should make a run at $400 million domestic while Top Gun is going to blow by $500 million, to build on the recent and reliable MCU hits with another due in

What I’ve learned from kinja is that comedy is sacrosanct if it’s Dave Chappelle shitting on trans people but if it’s Chris Rock making a benign crack about Jada Pinkett Smith’s hair then violence is the answer. 


Yep. To the point of not doing any more episode recaps and reviews of The Boys, Stranger Things, etc. Sad how much this site sucks now.

The AV Club is so dedicated to combating the scourge that is Dave Chappelle that they’re now running articles made entirely of excerpts of people criticizing Dave Chappelle.

Short answer: Emphatically yes.

Longer answer: In the Disney era of star wars, they have done quite a lot to show just how horrifically powerful Vader is. Prior to that there wasn’t nearly as much exploration of Vader’s power. Multiple storylines in the comics have gone out of their way to show the Vader can’t be

Rey did it in that Star Wars movie I keep trying to forget I watched (twice).

I was trying to find pics of hot Latinx beauties, and all I got were these treatises on treating people like people.

I thought her performance was in Aquaman was fine, as was her and Momoa’s chemistry. Not especially memorable, but not terrible either.

He had just distracted Storm Troopers by using the Force to move something elsewhere to create a sound, held back ungodly amounts of pressure on an undersea window that was about to break, and deflected multiple blasters with his lightsaber (a technique shown to be part of using the Force to predict where things will

I’m pretty sure people cut off from the Force can’t deflect blaster bolts using their lightsaber nor use the Force to hold back water about to pour into a room.

That’s carried all the way into season 4. He was a member of the Hellfire Club and only dropped out of the last DnD game (his sister was recruited to sub for him) because of the basketball tournament. Arguably, his interest in DnD and basketball make him a more rounded character than his other friends. Also, arguably

Not every diversity depiction needs to scream it’s identity from the rooftops.  Normalized = not calling attention to it.  The Black characters in this show are not the main characters. The little girl was a breakout hit and was written more into the show than she otherwise would’ve been. And criticizing a show based

‘beloved franchise’ aka ‘the one classic film everyone adores and all its super-disappointing sequels and reboots’

Don't do the high-five gesture to a T-Rex. They see it as mocking those little arms.

A lot of dinosaur and superhero movies, apparently.