It’s been confirmed in the text of the show, Leota’s phone call with Waller in the first episode.
It’s been confirmed in the text of the show, Leota’s phone call with Waller in the first episode.
WB execs mandated that Justice League be 2 hrs and everyone thought it was under baked. So now as usual, WB will overcompensate with this movie.
But content tho
Perhaps you should have actually watched the film before judging the entire content and story solely based on runtime.
Better late than never when it comes to masks, right? Except for those 3,338 dead Americans.
Was it not clear that we’re supposed to assume that the pagan ritual in the secret basement room is why she wins the election? That definitely felt like what the show wants us to think. I’m still not 100% positive about the supernatural explanations (although the bear bowing to sacrifice itself was definitely more…
Travis is pretty on-brand for a 90s troubled teenage guy. I don’t think he’s the “best” or “worst”, he’s an accurate portrayal of a dude from the era who’s not internally enlightened enough to know how to fix himself and doesn’t have outside sources guiding or forcing him to improve.
By episode five we’ll get a full on street war between the mods and the rockers.
Did you not catch the end of the episode? Mayor is clearly said to be working for the Pykes, then they immediately show up. It was a very one two setup and payoff from the “other syndicate” bit.
the chase was total tropey madness, and I laughed thru most of it. Esp the Hutt mural Pasquesi crashed through.
My wife calls this “The Book of Joe Rogan”, because of Temuera’s resemblance.
The bike scene was a cross between Spy Kids and the casino chase in The Last Jedi.
You deserve an applause
They’re Mods. Check out the movie Quadrophenia.
I did have a “ha! they’re Mods..literally” when the self upgraded gang turned up on space mopeds. My wife and daughter rolled their eyes and went back to ignoring me after that .
I thought it was the Pyke Syndicate that was being implied the Hutts were afraid of?
I think the gang was modeled after 60s mod gangs (think Quadrophenia) where the kids spent all their money on their bikes, looking flashy, and drugs so I didn’t really question that aspect. Now whether it makes sense that a gang like that would be on Tatooine instead of somewhere like Coruscant is another question.
The cybernetic implants were a nice visual pun.
Robert Rodriguez is why this show isn’t working for me. Much of BoBF feels unpolished or cheaply done, with this biker gang really typifying that. The characters, their costumes and bikes, their fight and their chase scene - every bit felt like it could have been lifted from a medium-budget RR project.
The Star Wars…
That Mos Espa Vespa street chase felt VERY Spy Kids to me, and not in a good way. The whole chase sequence felt pretty sloppily shot and edited. And then Danny Trejo showed up with a Rancor and I realized “Oh yeah, Robert Rodriguez definitely made this.”