Having seen Tenet (a straight F of a film), Nolan should not be let anywhere near an action franchise.
Do you think of sports ball games as non-communal?
Communal experiences are definitely good. My confusion with the pro-theater crowd has always been why going to the theater ever came to be considered a communal experience, as it’s almost entirely a non-interactive experience. We’re talking an experience where no one is supposed to talk to each other throughout the…
I don’t get how you find streaming more expensive than movie theaters. I suppose if you only see one matinee per month, that makes sense but you can also sign up for a month of a streaming service for less than the price of a full-price, evening movie ticket.
The streaming bashing an also get annoying, in particular when people use the tired criticism of “You need to pay for a million services at the same time”.
Somehow I have managed to find myself in communities on both ends of the spectrum. It kinda gets annoying how pro-theater they can be.
People aren’t angry that the MCU is being critiqued, it’s that it’s a poorly reasoned critique that gets both the premise of the show and its major plot points utterly wrong.
You know me so well. But I do realize a TV show is not my whole existence, thanks
That really isn’t what’s happening, chum. It’s Barsanti’s actual reviews and seeming inability to actually remember what’s happening. It’s not a take written in good faith, and neither have his reviews of What If.
I’ve read all the comments, no one is furious. You probably gaslight everyone in your life.
Guess we can’t all be cool guys like you.
I continue to be bemusedly mystified by the suggestion that the interconnected nature of the MCU is a flaw. It’s not a bug or flaw, it’s a feature. Literally, from the post-credits stinger of Iron Man, it’s kind of the point. Now, some entries do a better job of balancing that feature with stories that function as…
I’m fine with someone being done, but this “hard to keep up” is pure hyperbole. In the nearly 2.5 years since Endgame, there have been three movies total and 4 TV shows that didn’t run concurrently, so at most a 1 hour per week investment.
When the Watcher shows up in other peoples books he does that but in the What If? Series itself he rarely did.
Do yourself a favour and don’t watch Inhumans.
No, it never seemed like this, because the MCU has never once suggested, in word or action, that it was going to do anything discrete when they’re playing with stories that have been heavily interconnected for decades. Especially once they realized that not only had they figured out the formula for an shared universe…
I think what’s crazy is that they teased a crossover in the trailers for this show, and you have spent weeks in your reviews where one of your complaints is about how they’re standalone episodes and don’t seem to be crossing over only to complain now that it has laid that cross-over out. It’s like you’ve actively…
Sometimes I think I should reassess my opinion of World is Not Enough. Then I’ll remember onetime Mrs. Charlie Sheen plays a nuclear physicist. Then I’ll remember her character’s name is “Christmas Jones.” Then I’ll remember the final line of the film is “I thought Christmas only comes once a year.”
Maybe this one ups the poker playing to a full hour!